Friday 1 June 2012

Corrie musical Street of Dreams embroiled in "chaos and farce"

First they changed the dates upsetting fans who had bought tickets, travel and hotel rooms. Then it was panned with terrible reviews. Then it was postponed. Then national treasure Paul O'Grady slammed the musical's producers for not paying staff and now there's another story in the paper about the Coronation Street musical Street of Dreams. Could it get any worse? Should it even be resurrected?

The Mirror reports today that the musical's backstage staff are refusing to work until they are paid. All trucks, sets and costumes for Street of Dreams have been withdrawn as part of a boycott.  It is understood the pay dispute is behind the hold-up of its return.

Last night a theatre source said: “It is absolute chaos and a complete farce.The actors, wardrobe department and make-up girls are all owed thousands.There are single mums in the show who cannot afford to keep going like this. They are massively out of pocket. One of the wardrobe ladies was even made to order in some stuff off her own back and has not been reimbursed.Cast members have had to provide their own costumes. It is a disgrace. Things have now come to a head, and the cast backed a move to hold all the equipment to ransom, refusing to give it back until their wages are settled.

There is every likelihood the show will be axed altogether.”

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  1. The Producers should be held up in Court. Criminals! Why put a show on if you don't have the money to pay. You wouldn't give someone a job in an Office and then at the end of the month say "Oh by the way, I don't actually have any money to pay you!"

  2. All these shenanigans aside, it sounds like the production has been a farce from the get-go. I suppose this is an indicator that a national icon should not be made into a musical?

  3. They never had any money from the start. Just using investors money to fund themselves. No intention of paying crew & cast...they are criminals & ITV let them get away with it & tarnshing their biggest brand on the way. They used the ITV / Corrie brand to swindle investors for the money leaving behind the people who had worked so hard to get the project going without a damm of the car crash they left behind...there are 100's of people left without pay & no work because of their complete lack of respect & disfunctional behaviour
