Sunday 3 June 2012

Coronation Street spoiler: Corrie con-man to be killed off?

There's a Coronation Street spoiler in today's People that says Corrie con-man Lewis Archer will be killed off this year. The People say that Lewis will be killed off in a  road accident and that actor Nigel Havers who plays Archer is said to be upset about his character's departure from the show.

If this spoiler is true, I'm a little upset because I enjoy watching Lewis on Corrie a great deal and think there's a lot they could have done with the character.

What do you think? Will you miss Lewis? Anyone know if this spoiler is actually true?

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  1. Oh, I love Lewis too! Nigel Havers is brilliant and his character has really developed. I hope this isn't true, I'd love to see him in the series for a long time.

  2. Well, that figures. Yet another Corrie couple with no happy ending. I really enjoy his character!

    ~JB in Canada

  3. Leave Lewis alone I hope its not true as poor Audrey deserves some happiness and love in her life

  4. I like him. He's a great character. Why do they get rid of the best ones and leave the dreary ones behind? I wonder what will lead to his exit?

  5. If he wants to leave, I'm sort of glad that it is this way, him conning Audrey again wouldnt have worked

  6. It does say in the article at the people that it is Nigel who wants to leave, rather than Corrie axing him

  7. Frosty the Snowman3 June 2012 at 12:05

    Hurrah - we are getting rid of the pointless never fitted in Lewis at last, he was a one off story and should never have been brought back. He stands around like a spare part and holds the otherwise great character of Audrey back. I may even volunteer to drive the car!

  8. Another sensational exit! We haven't had one of those for, ooh, at least five minutes. Why couldn't Audrey and Lewis commit to a flexible arrangement which would mean he could come back at regular intervals?

  9. I wasn't to sure about them bringing Lewis back but now i love him and hope this isn't true. He is a great actor unlike Brooke Vincent and Kate Ford (who seems to have disappeared thankfully)


  10. I have to say that bringing him back, overall, as a repentant didn't really work though it's the reason that spurred on the War of the Salon which i did enjoy. Now that seems to be over, he's kind of a spare part but it does seem a shame that Audrey won't have a happy ending.

  11. Yeah, he was brought in to move a plot along, but he has made a place for himself. He has a role in the Bistro where he fits in well. He's likable. He's believable (relatively, in soap terms). He gets along with Nick, and given a chance, would probably be a good friend for Ken. He's one of the few men on the show who isn't a fool or suffering from a weakness (gambling, stupidity, drink,...). He makes Audrey happy. Oh, and he can act. HE'S BETTY WITH A POCKETSQUARE!!! So by all means, kill off his character. We wouldn't want to take screen time away from Mary, Tracy, Stella or the Magnificent Alahans.

  12. Awwww!!! How stupid to kill him off. I've enjoyed having him around even though I was doubtful in the beginning.

  13. i hope they dont let lewis go .i really like him and its nice to see audrey happy again .so phil collins pull up your pants if you need to let someone go send mary far away or dennis neither one is any good keep lewis

  14. I'm just livid that they might kill off Lewis!! Oh give us the crap that is Karl and Sunita and the dimwit Dev, pay enormous sums for another year of bad acting from the actor playing Sophie - but decide to kill off one of the better actors to come along in a while and fits in snugly with the Platts. How about a last minute change of plans and Stella gets in the car instead of Lewis.
