Thursday 5 April 2012

Top 60 Corrie Characters - Nos. 44 and 43

44. Minnie Caldwell 1960-1976 (35 votes)

Personally, I don’t think there’s never been a character like Minnie Caldwell and there never will be. An original character, she graced the cobbles for 16 years and although she didn’t have a great effect on the street, viewers think of Minnie with affection and endearment. Known for her love of cats, Minnie was part of the trio in the snug with Ena and Martha. A soft touch, she kept lodgers – the most famous being Jed Stone in the 1960s who fondly called her ‘Ma’. As well as cats (Bobby and Sunny Jim), Minnie loved betting on the gee-gees and was good friends with bookie Dave Smith, although she did go missing when she fell into debt. She often faced financial troubles and in an aim to solve her problems she accepted Albert Tatlock’s marriage proposal in 1973 but broke it off when she got tired of his habits. Her closest friend was Ena and their friendship dated back to their schooldays but Ena tended to dominate timid Minnie. In 1976, she moved to Whaley Bridge to live with old flame Handel Gartside and was never seen again.

Should Minnie be at 44? Did you feel sorry for her when she was bullied by Ena? Leave a comment!

43. Reg Holdsworth 1989-1995 (36 votes)
One of Corrie’s most well remembered and popular characters. He was introduced as the boss of Curly Watts at Bettabuys supermarket and a new double act was born. Amongst the comedy scenes that Reg was involved in included wearing a toupee to attract the ladies and when his waterbed was accidentally punctured by Derek Wilton, dampening his romantic evening with fiancĂ©e Maureen Naylor. An unlikely Romeo, Reg had many romances that ranged from supermarket inspector Renee Dodds to Rita Fairclough and Bet Gilroy. In 1993, he met up with old flame Maureen and married her the following year. A thorn in Reg’s side during their marriage was mother in law Maud Grimes – an echo of the Ivy/Gail saga. As well as the supermarket, Reg owned the Corner Shop between 1994 and 1996 with Maureen and Maud managing it. They led a blissful life until Reg had an affair and moved to Lowestoft.

Should Reg be at 43? Did you love his double act with Curly? Leave a comment!

Check out who's at 46 and 45.

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  1. What? Travesty! The ludicrous, pantomime Reg higher than darling old Minnie? I suspect the early characters are being disadvantaged in this poll - as is always the case with 'best of the last 50 years/century &' polls.

  2. John in Cincinnati5 April 2012 at 13:08

    Amen to Cobblestone!
    Minnie should be much higher than 44!

  3. So agree, Cobblestone and John! Minnie is an icon.

  4. When exctly did Reg have any romance with Bet?- Micky

  5. Reg and Bet did date in 1992 briefly. But it came to nothing.

  6. A cat named Sunny Jim? Ah, mystery solved! :)

  7. The people who like Reg must be a quiet lot as everybody I speak to hates him! He's a bit of a buffoon but the OTT is all Ken Morley. Pantomime characters IMO are ones like Mary Taylor who are written bizarrely. Compared with her Reg is very believable.

    Minnie Caldwell would be a dead cert for the top twenty if more people had seen her. She's just impossible to dislike.
