Wednesday 11 April 2012

Three cheers for RTerreh!

Terry Duckworth comes back to our screens next week. Judging from the tone of most of the comments on various blog posts we've done on the subject, a good many of our readers aren't looking forward do his return.

I've always enjoyed Terry's character. He's horrible and nasty, selfish and greedy and without any redeeming qualities. And you know what? He always manages to shake things up.

He's a classic villain. Even more, he's a Panto villain. He wasn't so bad when he first came to Coronation Street but he evolved into a one dimensional all around bad guy. You just never know what he's going to stir up each time he comes back.

We were all horrified when he sold Tommy to the Hortons. We cheered when Jack thumped him for it. We cheered even louder when Gary Mallett landed a roundhouse on his jaw after the car he sold Vera proved unsafe, ending in the death of Gary's wife Judy. We knew darn well Terry would take the money and run when his oldest son needed a kidney transplant. He did attend his mother's funeral but only to see if there was any money in the will and he avoided his father's funeral with a lame excuse. 

Is it unrealistic for him to return to open up a club on Coronation Street? Yes. But I see this as a catalyst which will cement Tina and Tommy as a couple. Tommy never knew his father and as we know, for very good reason. I'm sure there will be more to this story than just a reunion and eventual let down. A lap dancing club is a sleazy enterprise and it's suited to Terry Duckworth, wouldn't you say? I reckon it's only going to invite trouble, if it even manages to open. Assuming that Tommy will be told his father's  history at some point, and it's a pretty safe bet that Terry will do something to let Tommy down, Tina will be there to pick up the pieces.

And to everyone that's making cheap shots at the weight Nigel Pivaro has gained over the years, what difference does it make? Most people I know like Coronation Street because the characters and actors are realistic looking. They aren't all skinny, shiny, glossy and beautiful though of course some are very nice looking, they wear the same clothes over and over and most of them struggle to make ends meet like the rest of us. 

Terry is who he is. You know what you're going to get. He was a handsome young man who has gone to seed now he's in middle age, through drink, living the low life and since there's no such thing as a magic painting in the garret, it's going to show.

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  1. Who gets to thump him this time? Owen?
    Or how about Bambi turning and showing his true strength - Tyrone?

    Please let it be Tyrone; he's got the bulldog physique to take Terry apart good and propa'! But like the Incerdible Hunk he's got to get real angry first.

  2. Oops! Found a spare 'L' here to replace that 'n' in hunk.

  3. I'm a bit disappointed Nigel Pivaro is coming back as I always admired him for making a go of another profession - the same with Sean Wilson and his cheese. I can see money might be a draw, though, and he's probably fond of the old place. I don't suppose he's staying for long but it does feel like a tacked-on storyline. More believable would be Sean Wilson coming back to sort out David.

  4. Great post Tvor! I would love for him to give Tracey the runaround. She deserves a fella like him.

  5. Frosty the Snowman12 April 2012 at 07:26

    Pretty good post but I too am disappointed Nigel is returning. I also disagree with the comment that the people in Corrie wear the same clothes over and over again - that may have happened in the Ena Sharples era but today most of the female characters look like they wear designer gear and are off to a club! At a wedding they look like pages out of OK or Hello. Look at the way Julie dresses just to sit behind a sewing machine all day!

  6. Another bad guy to join the 'feisty' bitch (Stella's mum) that's joining the cast. WTF is it with these writers? Either it's a storyline featuring an evil villian or a female character who had good qualities and turned into a douche bag overnight.
    I actually ffwd most of Corrie on Monday. Sunita and Karl...pewk.

  7. I must be in the minority then, I'm really looking forward to Terry coming back.

    I love all the "bad" characters: David is one of my favourites, as was Tony Gordon, John Stape, Jez Quigley and one of the most evil characters of all time, Tanya Pooley.

  8. Terry was such a hunk in his day!- Micky

  9. I am looking forward to Terry's return, I like the character. If people dont like him (its their opinion of course) he is only back a few weeks, so wont have to endure him long, unlike Tracy, where for some reason the writers and producers are hell bent on keeping her on, she is pure awful.

    And I am not concerned about Nigel's weight, what do people expect from a man in his 50s, he aint going to have the same appearance when he was a young lad. I mean, the rest of the characters dont look like they did when they where younger.

  10. "what do people expect from a man in his 50s, he aint going to have the same appearance when he was a young lad"

    - Agreed with one exception to that rule - Nigel Havers (Lewis) :)
