Thursday 12 April 2012

Sneak preview of tonight's Corrie - Thursday 12 April

Coronation Street, Thursday 12th April 8:30pm 

Watch the video preview here

DAVID AND KYLIE STRIKE BACK. When Kylie arrives at the salon to visit David she's shocked to see he's a junior and is determined to show what he can do. Insisting she's a former customer of David's she insists she wants him to cut her hair. David's done a great job and the boss is impressed but when Kylie hands over her bank card and he sees the name Platt he realises he's been had and orders David to get back to sweeping. Kylie's desperate to fight his corner but a row erupts which ends in David getting sacked. Back on the street Kylie's furious at what Audrey's driven him to and insists it's time he took back what's rightfully his. David's indignation stoked the pair come up with a plan which leaves Audrey floored!
SUNITA AND KARL TRY TO MOVE ON. As Stella and Karl talk through their relationship she insists he hand over his bank cards and ask Steve for his job back as she won't have him working in the pub with money. Karl does as he's told but the atmosphere's tense, especially when Sunita arrives. Alone he apologises for what happened, insisting he owes it to Stella to make their relationship work. Covering her upset Sunita agrees it was a mistake before guiltily returning home to meet Dev and the kids.
CARLA STRUGGLES PLAYING MUM. Carla's uncomfortable as she brings Simon home from school. Seeing a crushed Leanne she feels guilty. Elsewhere Sally insists on working in the office so she can get to grips with running the business before she invests. Carla's forced to bite her tongue knowing she needs Sally's money. Tina's stunned when Tommy presents her with a clapped out VW camper van so they can travel this country like she suggested.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman12 April 2012 at 08:54

    All been done before when I think Tina was the girlfriend that turned up to the salon and dropped David in it. Dont you thin writers should have a gap of at least five years when stories are repeated?

  2. Don't want to encourage David's villianous side, but WHY NOT? It's been hidden from view for far too long -

    There's only one way to get back at that stuck up boss who fires him - sneak back in the dead of night, check for CCTV cameras and superglue the locks to the doors of his salon! Then wait outside early morning well out of sight and ... enjoy as David mutters under his breath:
    "No! I'm firing YOU!"

    Only to be done the once, otherwise nasty boss will be certain who's responsible and retaliate likewise.

  3. As much as it may pain Carla, Sally actually had some great business ideas she presented to Frank and keeps the staff and orders running smoothly. Granted, Carla can't steal Sally away from her wife and is unlikely to turn into a serial killer, so I can see why Carla might be disappointed. However, Sally is single so they could at least troll for men together on their off hours?
