Wednesday 11 April 2012

Should Peter keep custody of Simon - Yay or Nay?

It's the battle of the Barlows for custody of their little boy. But who should get to keep Simon living with them, what's best for him?

Peter's his dad and has rights, but he's also a raging alchoholic and bigamist. Leanne's caring but she's not his  real mum and has a background as prostitute Barbie. 

Now I like Peter, and I also like Leanne, but which one's better for little Simon? There's only one way to find out - VOTE!

So, should Peter keep custody of Simon - yay or nay?

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  1. I think that Leanne and Peter should get joint custody because Simon is obviously very attached to Leanne and she is a mother figure for him.

  2. Hm difficult one, Peter is his natural father but is always farming him off on Dreary and Ken. He only really got interested in his son when Lucy’s will stipulated that he look after his son to receive the payout that would enable him to buy the bookies. I think he does love Simon but he loves Carla and the booze more. However its ridiculous to think that Leanne could ever go for custody; an ex hooker and junkie that doesn’t have her own home, just dosses in the pub and has only been in Simon’s life a relatively short time. I think Simon should have been allowed to be looked after by Grandpappy George who could have given him a great start in life but dog in the manger Peter wouldn’t hear of it of course.

  3. Leanne would probably give him the stability he needs. And Simon does prefer Leanne.

  4. CorrieAddict Carter 4ev's11 April 2012 at 11:14

    leanne sold her body! is this a good roll model for him? she is big headed thinking she's the boys real mom,she's not! peter did well with him till now,him n carla are great and simon would b lovely family for them both. leanne doesn't have her own home,is a pub a place for a child to grow up? i think peter should have custody,peter only goes 2 booze when he has a bad day,carla keeps him in line. peter is he's real dd,so shud get custody! he did well tellin her 2 leave him alone! thanks for readin :)

  5. Peter can support his son - owns his own business and loves Simon.
    Leanne loves Simon period. She has no income, no job prospects lined up and is just wandering around crying about what's best for Simon. Who's paying her solicitors fees?
    Simon should stay with his dad and Leanne can take him out once in awhile. She is not his mum after all.

  6. Realistically Leanne wouldn't have a leg to stand on, no biological claim to Simon, only married to his father fro a year, no job, she lives in a pub (is there even a room there for Simon?), and she has a checkered history. As well as the fact that Carla would throw all her money at a fantastic lawyer for Peter.

    Simon should be put into joint custody, but I can hardly see Peter settling for anything less than full custody.

    This is a soap, so anything could happen. I would like to see Leanne move onto a new story away from Peter before she starts coming across as jealous and bitter.

  7. The whole thing is ridiculous. Peter is clearly not an unfit parent and if he were, there are plenty of other RELATIVES around, like both sets of grandparents.

    The Producers clearly don't care how unpleasant they make the characters. Peter forbidding Simon to see Leanne because Leanne called Carla "the black widow" was abysmal. This is some of the worst writing on Coronation Street ever, if not on TV as whole. It's becoming laughable.

  8. IMO It's not about who Leanne was in the past or who is a better person, it's about the fact that Simon sees Leanne as his mother and loves her. Leanne may be a better mum because she has learned from mistakes in the past and has been around the block.

    If anyone cares about what is best for the child, they would take into account what the kid wants. He doesn't like Carla. And who can blame him, she's a great character but not maternal at all.

  9. John in Cincinnati11 April 2012 at 15:03

    Until they can at least partially get their acts together, I think Simon should stop with Ken and Deidre. It is what is best for the child.

  10. It's what' best for the child that will always count. Until Peter can prove he is stable and off the booze for good (and I don't know how that will happen) then Simon should stay with Leanne, who might not be 'blood' family but can provide the stability and love which will be in Simon's best interests.

  11. Peter should grow up and Leanne should stop undermining him at every opportunity!

    If you ask me their both as bad as each other. Give him to Ken... he's the only one on the street smarter than him!

  12. Since Peter was more than ready to dump Simon to go to jail on a lie for the love of his girlfriend - then technically he cares MORE about Carla than he does Simon. It should be equal love. Simon was not an issue in his decision to make a false confession, his future welfare dumped in an instant.

    Let me explain it this way: Can you imagine a mother doing that for her lover; dumping her very young dependant son to a precarious future?

    The case is proved - he'd have dumped Simon without a bye or leave to god know's where - Ken and Deidre? Or Leanne if they couldn't cope - they are pensioners after all.

    Peter has blown it with Simon. Simon's made his choice; Peter should honour it.

    I'm not taking any prisoner's on this - Peter's love for Simon is paper thin. Leanne's is the real deal!

  13. I think that although Leanne does love Simon, part of her motive in all this is jealousy and wanting to get one up on Peter and Carla.

    Simon adores his Dad, even if he doesn't like Carla at present. I think Carla is actually trying her best.

    If Peter's drinking were to take another turn for the worse then Ken and Deidre should have him as they are the most consitant thing in Simon's life. With them he has stability, something Leanne cannot offer.

    Although Leanne does clearly care for Simon, people are quick to forget that she left him without an explanation when she found out about Carla and Peter. A mother would not have left him.

  14. Yes, Leanne doing the same thing to Simon some months earlier makes it a draw in those stakes.

    BUT here's the rub.
    Would Leanne ever be psychologically cruel to Simon out of selfish desires? Well Peter is doing just that!

    Peter's selfish attempts to seperate Simon from Leanne are bordering on child cruelty. It doesn't take a phychologist to see that long term psychological damage could be done to a child of that age who sees his father denying him the right to see his 'mother'.

    If we put aside the who-loves-Simon-the-most contest, then Peter still loses on charges of mental cruelty to a child!

  15. Agree with Adam Rekitt that Peter forbidding Leanne to see Simon because she called Carla a 'black widow' is beyond absymal. He is treating Leanne quite cruelly when he was the one who sought out Carla, dumping Simon on Ken and Dreary's doorstep as often as possible, admitting to a murder he didn't commit possibly leaving his son without a father - I dislike Peter at the moment and am hoping Leanne at least gets temporary custody of Simon, maybe co-custody with Ken and Dreary. At least Carla knew Peter was wrong to do what he did forbidding Simon to see Leanne.

  16. Peter and Leanne could get joint custody but Leanne has no home or job. That being the case, I believe the court can make a residence order to determine where Simon actually lives. It could be 50/50 between Peter and Ken but Ken wouldn't actually have custody. I think that's right - I looked it up!

  17. I think the story is heading that Peter will end up losing Simon either to Leanne or to social services.. (even though both would be unrealistic as he's not an unfit dad but theres no stopping Corrie at the minute)

  18. John in Cincinnati...I am in Cincinnati as well! We need to have a Corrie Party!
    I absolutely hate what Peter is putting Simon through but he is the biological parent. Would really like him to stop with Leeanne. Her past sins have nothing to do with anything...she could legally adopt him or sommat perhaps...cheers! Eden x

  19. Leanne no question. Yes, she's had a rough past, but that has NEVER endangered Simon, unlike Peter and Carla's drinking. Peter has never put Simon before Carla, which is wrong, Simon would prefer to live with Leanne rather than Peter and Carla (and who can blame him?), and above all, Leanne LOVES Simon and puts him FIRST, which is what you are supposed to do for your children. Biological or not, Leanne is the only one fit to look after him, not Peter, with his fixation with Carla and his drinking problem, and not even Ken and Deidre, with all their marital problems and toxic Tracy hanging around all the time.

  20. Frosty the Snowman12 April 2012 at 07:36

    Its all ambiguous really, Frosty knows that the black widow goes behind Peter's back to help Leanne get custody of his son because she just doesnt want the small boy around! Have to hand it to her for her ruthlessness!!

  21. How about Leanne gets the kid and they can both bugger off. Cant stand Leanne and that irritating Simon who is apparently "SOOO CUTE!!!". People obviously havent seen many children then.
