Wednesday 4 April 2012

The future of the Granada Studios set?

A website has been created regarding the future of the Granada Studios area of Manchester.

There is a overview of the development on their site, which interestingly includes a certain Coronation Street.

There is more information about the Street on the site here, where they look to be advertising the site to leisure retailers.

It doesn't seem like the plans are final, so I hope they do manage to preserve the set. It's not only the site of our favourite soap, but it's an important part of Manchester's - and the UK's cultural history.

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  1. If whoever buys the site doesn't retain the Coronation Street set I know I, and many many others, will be outraged. Let's now decide to petition whoever does buy it to open the set as an attraction, open the Rovers as a pub where we can buy drink and hot pots and KEEP IT it's such an amazing opportunity and too much of Manchester's heritage!!!!!

    Corrie blog fans- WE HAVE THE POWER!

  2. I was sad when it closed down as i went alot as a kid and loved it Ive still got my pics as a memory.i would love it to reopen again so i can take my children to show them how good it was

  3. I was sad when it closed down as i went alot as a kid and loved it Ive still got my pics as a memory.i would love it to reopen again so i can take my children to show them how good it was
