Sunday 1 April 2012

Corrie weekly awards: March 26 - 30

Pretentious twit award: Ken, wearing a silk kimono, listening to classical music and looking for a cafetiere in Steve's flat. He's flirting and conversing with the cab customers on the phone, too.

Voice of Reason award: As much as it pains me, Tracy really did tell Paul the home truth about Lesley and about him using Eileen. Jason added to the mix with very valid concerns. Paul has blinders the size of dinner plates on. More denial than a thing in denial.

Clingy award: Eva's starting to make Nick's commitment alarm ring loudly and clearly!

NotFather of the year award: Sean hasn't spoken to Violet for ages. You'd think now he's in Dylan's life, he'd be in touch all the time! And he's jealous of the attention Marcus is giving Liam.

Hidden Agenda award: Gold Star: Methinks Kylie is more concerned about the Salon than Lewis' motives.

Extreme measures award: Gail has cut off ties with her mother over Lewis hoping for a bluff. Audrey changed the locks on the salon. David's getting legal advice.

Bridezilla's Back! Mary is in danger of taking over Rita's wedding and hen night if Rita doesn't keep her wits about her.

Charmed, I'm Sure award: Sylvia was fawning all over Lewis, even offering free condiments!

Musical abience: "Never gonna give you up" playing to Ken and Deirdre's separation.

That's You Told award: Deirdre stubbing out her cig in Ken's tea mug! (snork! Nice touch!)

Herculean vermin award: The rat managed to lift the lid on the breadbin and get in and close it again!

Lines of the Week:
Dev "Don't tell me, it was a cry for help" Sunita "No, Dev, it was a scream"
Gail "I don't like atmospheres, me. I'm very sensitive to them" (Then don't start them!) and "Me own mother! telling me I'm unloveable"
Deirdre about Ken "Sometimes, just sometimes, he's got a face you want to smack" (must run in the family! And may I just say Dev's smug smirking gob is a very close runner up)
Steve "Ken doesn't flounce"
Maria "You've got him running scared, Audrey" (In a pig's eye)
Tracy about Lesley "The woman in knitting with one needle"
Steve "Come and join us, we'll share a pint of peace" Deirdre "I'd rather have a cigarette"
Eileen speaking the truth "Lesley deserves a lot more than your guilt trip"

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  1. Frosty the Snowman1 April 2012 at 14:37

    Frosty's awards:-

    Freeloading Scrounger Award: Paul happy to help himself to Steve’s Chinese he has bought for a chinwag with Eileen. Take take take that is all this dreadful bloke does, shouting at poor Lesley and Eileen as well. I detest this character and wish he would fall down his fireman’s pole and break his flaming neck. Eileen deserves far better than this self serving lisping creep. I have never known any house up North that doesn’t have brown sauce either!

    No fool like an old fool award: We all know David has been a right pain over the years but “Gran” is treating him pretty shabbily at the moment, why not remortgage Grassmere Drive if she wants to lay hands on cash to spend on the oil slick Archer. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, you should listen to your family Audrey. Really liking Kylie at the moment.

    Pointless characters of the week award: Dopey Maria and funny faced Fiz with their sprogs – who cares about ether of them or what nonsense they have to spout, they are way way past their sell by.

    Odd Ablutions award: Tracy disappearing off at lunchtime which is a strange time to have a bath and looking no different afterwards – still unkempt and wearing exactly the same clothes! Why wasn’t the Grinnell locked when she disappeared to titivate, Amy was on her own and anyone could have walked in.

    Scaring the customer’s award: Gail constantly sitting up at the bar boozing at the Bistro with that face, moaning and complaining. Not good for business and not creating a great ambience for a trendy bar and restaurant.

    The Odd Couple award: The Jack Lemmon and Walter Mattau of Coronation Street - Loved Steve and Ken together and hope Ken keeps his job on the switch – we need some laughs after the Frank/Carla/Peter miseryfest and the depressing Lesley/Eileen and Freeloading Paul triangle.

    Best actor award: Darren the rat out acted the dreadful Tracy this week. Why is she always so scruffy? Nobody else on the street is, apart from Dennis when he was homeless.

  2. To the moon many times did Fiz hike that kid up in her arms..4-5 maybe? I thought she was going to toss her right out of her coat. Maria is a babbler..the carryon with the bunny ears was really bad. At least the kid who plays Liam didn't start screaming...just looked bored as usual.
    David telling Audrey and Lewis to get a room...hilairous. Nobody can deliver a line like David. Hopefully he'll tell Kylie where to get off soon enough.
