Wednesday 11 April 2012

Corrie Funeral Filmed

Sue Cleaver (Eileen) and Tony Hirst (Paul) have been spotted filming funeral scenes – and unfortunately it looks like we’ll soon be seeing the death of Paul’s wife, Lesley.

The Sun has pictures of Eileen and Paul shooting on location. Lesley’s Alzheimer’s disease recently got too much for Paul to care for on his own, and she moved into a care home.

A sad end to the storyline, but one that can perhaps lead to a long-term relationship for Eileen and Paul? This Corrie fan hopes so!

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  1. No more leslie......hmmmm. can't wait to see how they write her out

  2. I hope they make it clear. You don't die *from* Alzheimer's though in extreme cases patients won't eat or take care of themselves. People generally end up ill with something else, perhaps pneumonia.

  3. I would like to see Eileen find a decent bloke. So let's hope she breaks up with Paul.

  4. Paul and Eileen just don't work for me, even with Lesley out of the way. He is spineless,selfish and wet.Eileen who used to be funny,fiesty and strong isn't any of these anymore. Get ris of Paul asap.

  5. So then Paul didn't get run over by a run-away fire engine...too bad! Maybe Paul couldn't bear the thought of Lesley in the care home so slipped her something to push her over the abyss....Eileen is suspicious and sets in motion his eventually toss into can only hope. I absolutely hate them as a couple, no chemistry whatsoever,he is way too wimpy for our stalwart Eileen, or what she was in the past.

  6. Agree with comments above. Paul and Eileen just don't work but it does look horribly like he might stay for a while. Perhaps he'll want her to move to his house and they won't be able to agree and so eventually part. Hooray! I wonder if Lesley's sister will turn up for the funeral and create problems. Yay! Something about Paul's face makes me want to give him a good slap. This whole story has been absolutely dreadful, saved only by Lesley. Whatever happened to the tradition of waiting a respectable time before diving into another relationship? Three months would have done it.

  7. LOL! Oh Big Egg, I agree about Paul's face begging to be slapped...

  8. Frosty the Snowman12 April 2012 at 07:30

    Why would Lesley die? She is a relatively young woman. I really really hope that lisping Freeloading Paul does not become a permanent character.

  9. Get rid of Paul and get Eileen back behind the switch in the cab office. And when Lloyd returns, we can have more banter between her, Steve and Lloyd instead of all the rubbish in their personal lives.
