Tuesday 10 April 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update, April 9 2012

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Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update. And so without any further ado, here we go with this week’s Coronation Street update.

Stella throws Karl out of the Rovers this week, tells him he’s shattered her lifelong dream of running the Rovers,  and then she takes him back again. That’s not a feisty, strong, Coronation Street woman, that’s just soft in the head. She chucks him out when she finds out he’s up to his neck in debt to the tune of twenty grand which he’s gambled away. He’s also playing away, sleeping with Sunita. While Dev and the kids are on their jollies in Spain, Sunita gets her jollies on the sofa with Karl.  The two of them are Billy-no-mates so they’ve got a lot in common. Anyway, Stella moans a bit, takes Karl back and he promises never to lie to her again while giving  the camera that Corrie classic over the shoulder look that says more than five pages of script.

There’s sad news for Tommy this week when he finds out his granddad Jeff Horton has died. The Hortons, you’ll remember, are the couple who brought Tommy up in Blackpool. Anyway, Tommy has a hard time dealing with his grief but copes by jumping into bed with Tina after she falls for 10 bunches of cheap flowers from Dev’s.  Then he offers to whisk Tina away on a round the world trip via Rosamunde Street after he finds out granddad Jeff left him twelve grand in his will.  And you know it won’t be long before that bit of news reaches Tommy’s dad RTereh.

Peter and Leanne’s relationship disintegrates further this week when Peter gets a letter from Leanne’s solicitor saying she’s going after custody of Simon.  The couple try mediation but end up bickering and Peter walks out. Then they try, courtesy of Carla who has suddenly turned into quite the peacekeeper, letting Simon spend time with Leanne. This has the required effect of little Simon repeating Leanne’s words back at the flat. “What’s a Black Widow?” he asks his dad and then he turns his face away with a smirk, knowing full well what he’s gone and said.

Carla’s got more on her mind than cheeky kids this week though, when Sally offers to buy Frank’s share of the factory when it comes up for sale. While Carla doesn’t need the aggro of working alongside Sally who’ll be all jumped up in her Marksies power suit, she does need the money so has to keep Sally on side, for now.

And that's just about that for this week.  Remember, sign up to get these spam-free Corrie weekly updates by email at http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/corrieweeks/

This week's writers were John Kerr, Joe Turner and Mark Burt. Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at:
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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  1. Isn't Sally a powerhouse business woman? Didn't she single handedly help Frank land major accounts with her business wit? Who knew?So where does this leave Michelle who stood by Carla through thick and thin?

  2. Anonymous above -- "So where does this leave Michelle who stood by Carla through thick and thin?" -- hopefully gone away from this show!

  3. It leaves Michelle in the same place. She's not got the money to buy in, i presume she'll continue to be the PA and assistant.
