Tuesday 3 April 2012

Coronation Street Weekly Update, April 2 2012

Greetings and welcome to another weekly update of Weatherfield wotsits.  

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And so without any further ado, here we go with this week’s Coronation Street update.

Ken’s fallen out with Deirdre and moved in with Steve where he wafts around in his kimono and apologises to Steve for waking him up in the night: “My bladder’s not what it used to be.”  Ooh, too much information there, Kenny-boy.  He then tidies up Steve’s kitchen, plays classical musical, uses a cafetiere and offers to cook lentil stew for Steve. He also tries  - and fails – to get Steve interested in his healthy eating pamphlet. You just know Ken’s the sort of bloke who likes a little pamphlet.  So it’s all a bit of a relief to Steve when the Barlows kiss and make up and Ken moves back home to his wife.   Mind you, Ken’s also taken to working the Streetcars switch as Fat Brenda’s gone on her bikini body bootcamp. And that’s one exercise DVD  on my Christmas list already. 

Over at the salon, Audrey gets the locks changed to keep David out as he refuses to sign the salon back over to his gran so she can swan off on cruising with Lewis. He’s a charmer, that Lewis and has Sylvia all a-flutter in Roy’s Rolls when she’s serving him his eggs and mushrooms on toast. “They’re fresh woodland mushrooms,” she coos across the table. And I don’t know about you but since when has there been a forest in Freshco?  Anyway, egged on by Kylie, David sees a solicitor for advice about his share of the salon and of course, what Audrey’s doing is neither legal nor moral and the stress of it all is putting the vapours up the fragrant Mrs. Roberts.

Left alone to look after Lesley, Eileen loses her when Lesley and little Amy pal up and decide to go to the park.  Paul’s at his wits end and loses his temper with Eileen and it’s left to Steve to find both of them and bring them back to the Street. It’s clear that Paul can’t cope with the stress of looking after his wife and Eileen can’t cope with having a relationship that’s neither here nor there. Something has to give and when Paul snaps at Lesley and almost hits her when she tears up their wedding photos after not recognising herself as the bride, he realises then it’s time to think about residential care for his wife. This is such a sad storyline, and ringing very true.

Meanwhile, Tyrone’s feeling loved up because Kirsty’s spent a day not being too nasty to him or about his good mates. She tells Tina she hopes they can be friends but Tina’s not sure, even when Kirsty lays it on thick about her ex-boyfriend betraying her and that’s why she finds it so hard to trust Tyrone’s female friends.  Tyrone does a wonderful impersonation of Jack Duckworth this week as he’s walking out of the pub and back down the Street.

Kevin’s over the moon when Sally’s released from th’ospickle and is back safe at home. He tends to her needs and tells Sophie that he’ll do anything to have his family back again. But what about little baby Jack who’s been forgotten about and not mentioned for months?

And over at the Rovers, Karl’s gambling habit spirals out of control and he nicks the takings from the pub to gamble at the casino in a vain attempt to win some cash to pay off his debts. In between nicking and gambling, he’s also flirting with Sunita who’s lapping up the attention after being starved of some good loving from her fella at home.

And that’s just about that for this week.  Remember, sign up to get these spam-free Corrie weekly updates by email at http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/corrieweeks/

This week's writers Julie Jones, Mark Burt, Jan McVerry, Ellen Taylor and Debbie Oates.  Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at:
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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  1. In the "stupid details that distract me", why in hell was Maria HOLDING LIAM on one arm while doing a customer's hair??????? How is it even doable? Even if she was overwhelmed having Liam there because the nanny was gone or whatever, she could have sat him in a corner, next to Fiz. How ridiculous to hold him and try to do a hairstyle with the other hand? Come on, CS directors! Don't stage this like dingbats!

  2. What is the point of Maria anyway?

  3. Frosty the Snowman4 April 2012 at 08:17

    Maria and Fiz are totally useless pointless characters as demonstrated by their pathetic scenes ths week. What on earth was Maria doing getting drunk in the Rovers while she has a young child at home?. Absolutely meaningless and stale characters that I wish a producer would grow a pair and write them OUT.

  4. Agree - how ludicrous that Fiz and Maria would be sitting in that cramped Salon with their kids and Maria using one hand to do a client's hair - if I was that client I would have walked out. So Sally is forgiven for all her vile comments and behind the back tricks....and all within five minutes....I think the personality fairy's wand has firmly lodged in Fiz's back.

  5. BLOODY HELL STOP MOANING! Binkni Bootcamp = one of the biggest belly laughs i've done in ages. Well done Corrie. I Love you ;)
