Tuesday 10 April 2012

Coronation Street double episode review, Monday April 9

Dear oh dear. Not only  does Karl  have thousands of pounds of gambling debts which have near bankrupted his missus, he's a cheater, too. He and Sunita  "cleavage" Alahan succumbed to  an inevitable ( and soon regretted) passionate session on her sofa,  little realising that  Stella had  just decided to take him back, her heart apparently softened by him selling his prized signed football shirt and offering her the proceeds  "You can trust me", he muttered, guiltily,  as the two vowed to make a fresh start. It is difficult however to tell Stella's emotion  are at any point however as  Michelle Collins' forehead and eyes appear so strangely frozen and immobile.
All was not well either between Peter and Leanne after he cruelly told her she couldn't see little Simon any more, after Simon  overheard her calling Carla a "black widow" ( fair comment, I'd say).
Sally was all bright eyed and cock a hoop after becoming Carla's business partner (we know this will end in tears)  while David's new job in a trendy posh salon was in fact as a floor-sweeping, tea making dogsbody - karma time, David! 
New couple Tina and Tommy were all lovey dovey, but Tina rejected his offer of spending his bequest from his grandfather on a round the world trip for them both, saying  she didn't want him to squander his money on her. Maybe he should offer to take Lewis instead, there's a man who wouldn't say no to a free holiday..

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  1. It seems that Weatherfield is some kind of Oasis not subject to the laws of the land or its economic conditions. Why is Sally asking Carla for permission to buy Frank's shares? Why is St Ella responsible for debts on Karl's credit cards? Why has no-one told Leanne that she has no chance of gaining custody of Simon? Why has David meekly accepted being locked out of a Salon that he legally owns? Is Coronation Street so hard up that it can't afford legal advice?

    How is David the only applicant for a job at another salon? Shouldn't there have been hundreds of applicants? And who would give him the job without bothering to ask whether he's qualified or where he trained, let alone for references.

    There is no point in Lesley doing a good job in portraying an Alzheimer's sufferer, because there are so many mistakes and such "dramatic licence" that the programme has no credibility any more. The Producers clearly think the viewers will swallow any old rubbish. It seems to me that these days, Coronation Street is aimed at those who find "Take Me Out" an intellectual challenge. Me no likey.

  2. Not only is Leanne not Simon's birth mother, she has no permanent home or job. In real life, if it came to court, a social worker would be appointed and Simon might end up in foster care. That would be an interesting story with Kylie getting Peter and Leanne to try everything to avoid that.

    Frank's shares in the business have nothing to do with Carla. They belong to the estate - did he leave a will? There are laws about intestate deaths, and whatever they are, it takes months to sort things out.

  3. If Leanne formally adopted Simon, then she'd have some legal standing. Even though they're not married, Stella's would be at risk if both she and Karl signed a loan for the Rovers or have joint ownership. The executor/trix of Frank's estate will be the one selling the shares, not Carla. However, agreements can be written to give partners a say as to who can buy available shares. It also makes sense to see if partner(s) would be willing to work with the buyer.

    Uh, in a normal world.

  4. I don't know about you but I felt like washing my hands after that revolting scene with Sunita and Karl. It was so sleazy and really bad acting plus not the least bit believable. Then Stella is at the door?

  5. Frosty the Snowman11 April 2012 at 07:41

    The scene with Karl buttoning up his trousers after a shag with the increasingly gormless and sluttish Sunita made me want to barf. They have ruined the once promising character of Karl, just another dirt bag. The sale of the shares would be tangled up in legalities for months even years, a murdered man's probate, his mother not being able to benefit from the sale, them being put on the open market for anyone to buy, but of course in true Corrie style silly Sally will snap them up next week and start on the tiresome round of stories of lording it over the factory staff.
