Wednesday 4 April 2012

Andy Whyment says he'll never quit Corrie

Andy Whyment, who plays Coronation Street's Kirk Sutherland, says he's got no plans to leave Corrie.  In an interview with the Manchester Evening News, Andy talks about recently taking part in ITV’s Dancing On Ice and says there’s no fear of him ever giving up the day job as Kirkeh.

He says: “I’ve always said I’ll stay at Corrie as long as they’ll have me, I’ve been there 12 years now and I can honestly say I enjoy it as much today as I did the very first day when I started. I don’t know what’s going to be next for Kirk, but it’d be nice to have a bit of a storyline to be honest when I go back. I just enjoy working there, and whatever they give me I’ll be happy with.”

Andy adds that his Corrie bosses gave him their blessing for him to take part in Dancing On Ice – and gave him an extra five weeks off to take part in the tour, which calls at the Manchester Arena on April 18 and 19.

So - what storylines would you like to see for Kirk in the coming months?

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  1. What happened to the reluctant bride who tried to pull him at her hen? And what about giving him a job in the greengrocer's when Brian and Julie open? He's always the light relief but perhaps he's good at dramatic story lines, too. If Terry makes a play for Maria, Kirk could be the one to open her eyes.

  2. I'm in Canada and loving the Kirk storylines rights now!

    He's seems like a lovely down to earth bloke who has a heart of gold.

  3. Kirkeh...get back with Fiz!

  4. I agree, Anonymous, I've always had a soft spot for Kirkeh - he may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he's good-hearted, honest & loyal - and he loves animals, which definitely endears him to me even more. I hope he eventually finds true love, as he deserves it!

    -GC in Canada

  5. Frosty the Snowman5 April 2012 at 10:54

    Surprised he has survived the axe thus long.

  6. Love Kirk but wish they hadn't made him dumber as time went along. Let him interact more with other characters - his scene with Audrey in the Rovers last year was fab!

  7. Really think that Kirk has had his day. - Micky
