Wednesday 14 March 2012

In pictures: When Rita met Dennis on Coronation Street

With thanks to the wonderful Corrie4Ever facebook group, we bring you these two lovely pictures of Rita and Dennis back in the - well, when was it? - anyone know what year(s) these pictures are from?  There's no prize for guessing - I'd really like to know. 

You can now view pictures of all of Rita's fellas at the official ITV Corrie site here and read about them all here.

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  1. It can only be 1964, as Rita didn't return until the early-70s, by which time Dennis had left.

    Legend-based snaps.

  2. March 2012 at 09:18

    They are publicity photographs taken during the making of Episode 415 shown on 2nd December 1964 - the only 1960s episode that Rita appeared in. See

  3. In the link to Rita's loves, there is a gentleman named Anthony. I knew Eileen & Paul's Alzheimers story seemed familiar, but couldn't place it (Rita's took place when I just started watching Corrie, on Canadian time, and was learning the characters). I do remember being drawn in to the story thanks to the lovers' well portrayed emotional conflict.

    Have Rita & Eileen had a chat?

  4. Oooo er are they in bed together in that picture? Very risque for the time if so!

  5. Rita looks better now than when she was younger. Dennis looked very young at that time compared to Rita. How time changes people.

  6. Rita looked older than Dennis even way back then and are then in bed in that picture from the past....tsk, tsk, tsk.

  7. Helena Rubenstein15 March 2012 at 07:52

    Rita looks better now than she did then, because of cosmetic surgery, I am not condeming her, good luck to her if she can afford it. Same with Liz Macdonald (Beverly Callard), she is now a pretty attractive older woman but was a real ugly duckling if you see her in earlier years.

  8. Rita grow up you silly old woman, wanting to get married at your age. Stop all the crying over Dennis, he is a scrounger, why does she care so much for a man she hadnt set eyes on for nearly 50 years!
