Saturday 31 March 2012

Sunita, a harlot of the cobbles

It's fair to say that, at times, all sense of reality goes flying out of the window on our favourite drama. Fair enough, it would be as dull as ditchwater if all we had to look forward to every week was Eileen sorting out her knicker drawer or Rita re-arranging the extra strong mints. However, there are occasions when a storyline causes so much incandesence that you start hyper-ventilating. Take as an example, if you will, the recent slutting of Sunita.

Now, I've always had a soft spot for the largely dull shop assisant. She epitomises a boredom in rowdy bloom, mundanely trudging between corner shop counter and hideously decorated home. I somehow don't think Harveys were invited in to give number seven a makeover. Sunita has woven a steady path over the years and every drama needs a few steady-Eddies to balance the nonsense of the Tracy McDonald/Carla Connor variety.

However, of late dear old Sunita has become something of a trollop. She's taken the 'product placement' possibilities to new levels by prominently displaying her baps at every single opportunity. There they are, jiggling around behind the bar or bobbing up in Karl's face. Give her a few more weeks and she'll be strolling out into the Rovers clutching a couple of foaming tankards and bellowing "Jugs?"

Maybe the character is just trying to escape the misery of living with a man whose volume control knows no bounds. Maybe she's fed up of crashing into the furniture in her dour, over-stuffed living room. Maybe she's pining for her lost bras.

Now Sunita may have her knockers but the storylines involving drunken debauchery, illicit gambling and a possible fling with ageing lothario Karl just don't ring true. At the rate her character is descending, poor Sunita will be reeling around with a crack pipe by summer.

Whatever the issues, let's get Sunita back on an even keel. We want to see her back behind that counter, exchanging tedious pleasantries with Emily and offering well-meaning, if achingly dull, advice to Sofah. Either that or someone please buy the woman a polo-neck jumper.


  1. ha ha! I quite like the new 'liberated' Sunita and if seeing more of her busom means seeing more of Karl as they smoulder at each other over the bar, I'm a happy woman.

  2. Karl is no older that Dev is he? and surely neither of them is older than Duggie Ferguson (her first romantic interest on the street) I like to see this side of her also, as I think she was always like this, but just shelved herself for the sake of the kiddies for a while.

  3. Totally agree. Maybe the writers will come to their senses and chalk this up to her 'middle age crisis' phase. If they don't...Sunita will be history very shortly. Maybe that's what they have in mind..the Alahan's leaving the street once Sunita and Karl's affair is exposed to the heartbreak of Stella and Dev.

  4. Sunita is very sweet but very drippy, and as you say, a tad dull. Bring back Mad Maya to do her in, I say! She got a bit mangled, but they never actually killed her off before, did they? Dev's just a ham, embarrassing to watch at times. The corner shop's never been the same since the halcyon days of Alf. Remember Brendan's brief reign, Emily in Victorian style garb and Nick(y) out on his bike with basket on the front?

  5. I think that this new storyline with Karl does ring true because being married to Dev must be miserable at times and people do have mid life crises.

    I'm glad to see Sunita get a bit more action in terms of story lines.

  6. At least it's something new for the Alahans. However, girlfriend needs to put a bra on!

  7. Does anyone know where Sunitas black and gold sequin dress is from? she wore it on her night out to the Bistro with Dev, the same night her annoying step daughter who was meant to be baby sitting the twins had a party at their house.

  8. Frosty the Snowman1 April 2012 at 09:20

    Sunita is a bore and should have never been brought back. She always looks a bit gormless to me and I never understood her animosity with Amber when they used to get on pretty well. My opinon on the Alahans is well known, they should have been written out years ago and fresh blood brought in.

  9. If I were married to Dev, I'd have been giving Norris the glad-eye before now!
    But then again, they're NOT married, are they? So why has Sunita suddenly started to refer to herself as Dev's wife? It's not that long since he made a prat of himself proposing to her (and getting a knock back) in the Rovers. We really need some clarification on this point!
