Saturday 18 February 2012

Video: Gail and Audrey jogging in Coronation Street

For those who've asked to see it again, and it's definitely worth another look, here's Gail and Audrey jogging / power walking in Coronation Street. It seems to have almost been shot in one take, too. Lovely!

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  1. I LOVED this scene so much. Gail and Audrey are a fab double act!

  2. Me too...them loving the country...Audrey saying she'd move there in a heartbeat...them hating the country after they get lost and than finding the pub..."Mum!!it's a's a's a pub!!" Too funny!!

  3. Two lovely ladies. It's hard to belive Sue Nicholls is 68!

  4. This had to be one of the best episodes in quite some time - Gail and Audrey were brilliant and absolutely funny! Glad to see Gail doing something other than cleaning the Bistro. Another fab scene was Sylvia and Roy when Sylvia so desperately wanted Roy to ask her to stay - then seeing Roy sitting on the bench torn between wanting his mother to stay but remembering all the childhood hurt he endured from her - superb acting.

  5. What a classy scene! Eat you hearts out Patsy and Edina!

  6. Loved the video, and the entire scenes between these two. It's about time they got some good lines!

  7. Frosty the Snowman19 February 2012 at 09:17

    I love Audrey but I found Gail a bit forced and pantomimey. Like she is out of her shouty sour faced comfort zone. All this just so as Lewis can be written in again - GAH!

  8. That was one hell of a shot for the SteadyCam operator, having to move backwards up that muddy track on front of the ladies. Well worth the effort though. I'd love to see more Gail & Audrey comedy.

  9. Tee hee. As well as Amarillo I also had flashbacks of the intro to The Six Million Dollar Man, Steve Austin running at 60 mph in slow motion.

    How did that voice-over, go again?

    "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster - as Audrey Roberts!

    Ably assisted in this series by The Bionic Woman Jamie Summers, now also rebuilt better, stronger and faster - as Gail Platt."
