Wednesday 29 February 2012

Coronation Street spoiler: Lesley disappears with Amy Barlow

Little Amy Barlow is going to get taken away by Paul's ill wife Lesley, who has early on-set Alzheimer's Disease.

The Coronation Street spoiler is in this week's fab Inside Soap magazine who reveal that Steve and Tracy are at their wits end when Amy goes missing and a full search is sparked.

A Corrie source tells the mag: "Steve will be absolutely furious that young Amy has been put in danger like this.  He's going to lash out at Lesley - and given how close Steve is to Eileen, his words will hit home hard."

Scenes have been shot already on location with the actor Judy Holt who plays Lesley and child actor Elle Mulvaney who plays Amy.
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  1. Dont tell me this is how Steve + Tracy will get back together? Whats the point in putting them back together, someone will only break them up in a year or 2 anyway lol.

  2. I hope they're taking a lot of advice about this story line. They took advice about the rape story line and then got their facts wrong by sensationalising events. Surely Amy has been told a million times not to go off with strangers (and she doesn't know Lesley even though she lives in the street). Does this mean Lesley drags her off? Oh dear, make it believable, writers.

  3. I imagine it will be "Let's go for a walk" type of thing.

  4. I too hope this isn't the prelude to Tracy and Steve getting back together for Amy.

  5. Gee, I wonder if they will end up on a roof somwhere?
