Sunday 22 January 2012

Sunita's cleavage

There's been a lot of comment on the unlikelihood of Sunita baring her "girls" behind the bar for all and sundry to see.  Sunita has always dressed nicely in the past, even sexily but she's never been so revealing. Did she do it specifically to wind up Dev? If so, it worked. I had a few more thoughts on it and her future behind the bar over here.

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  1. A few years ago, Shobna Gulati said if Sunita returned to Corrie, she would be wearing a different head. Maybe work dried up and she was happy to return. The Alahan family doesn't work for me.

  2. Happy to see Sunita get some attention. She's a great actress and deserves more than being just Dev's misses. She looks HOT behind that bar, too.

  3. Frosty the Snowman23 January 2012 at 07:17

    Cant stand any of the Alahans and they are ten years past their sell by date. Sunita should never have been brought back and now this ridiculous "affair" between another totally unlikely couple brings more sordidness to the Street.

  4. Great Clevage :D

  5. While cleavage is not my thing, (I have my own), it's out of character for Sunita so i reckon she *must* have done it deliberately

  6. If Sunita wants to lean over displaying her cleavage on the bar next to the complimentary nuts and crisps, that's alright with me.

    Sretches arm out whilst talking:
    "Mmm tasty crisps,
    Mmm what a size these nuts are...
    - Aaaargggghhhh!!!

  7. Hey, if you got it, flaunt it, Sunita! :-)
    ~JB in Canada
