Tuesday 17 January 2012

Robert Vaughn: "I'd never seen Coronation Street before!"

Robert Vaughn joins Corrie next week as Milton the American, on Friday 27 January. And actor Robert Vaughn has been interviewed over at Digital Spy where he teases the role of Milton and how he'll get on with both Sylvia and Roy.

He admits that when he got the call to do the part of Milton on our favourite soap, he'd never even seen Coronation Street before, although he had heard of it.

Robert says that Milton turns up in Roy's Rolls to serenade Sylvia as she plays her uke-banjo against Norris' piano playing in the music competition.  He also says that Milton will get on with Roy, which sounds good.

Robert's only in Corrie as Milton for a three week stint but he says at the end of the interview that he'd be delighted to return  if he was asked.

You can read the full interview at Digital Spy.

See also: Robert Vaughn gets Betty Driver's dressing room.

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