Tuesday 20 December 2011

Sneak preview of Corrie's Christmas Week

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

From Christmas Day – Sunday 25 December to Friday 30 December

Note schedule changes this week

Steve proposes to Tracy as Becky burns in house fire, Kylie takes charge of the Platts’ Christmas, it’s Sophie and Sian’s wedding and Carla gives Peter more than a Christmas kiss!

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

 Missed last week's Corrie?
Catch up with the
Coronation Street weekly updates


  1. *Sighs* More damn sensationalism? Another fire? In the past year we have had the joinery blow up, a tram destroy the Kabin and Corner Shop. A fire and explosion at number 13 and Carla crashing her car into the bookies. Its not exciting anymore, just boring.

  2. Surprised that the local fire service hasn't built a new station on the street - it needs one.

    Can you imagine script conferences on the street nowadays?:
    Item 1: This month's fire
    Item 2: This month's serial killer
    Item 3: Upcoming programme cancellation?

  3. FN - you forgot the most important tidbit....Steve's ex Beth is getting a job at Frank's factory! Hope the weird son is arrving as well and they have some interaction between him and Kirk...lol!
