Saturday 31 December 2011

Peter Barlow gurn

Too good not to share!!! From last night's episode when Sylvia was wittering on to Peter about "Ain't She Sweet" to rub Norris' nose in it, having spotted him from across the road. After she left, Carla walked by and he gave her this look while gesturing at the departing Sylvia.

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  1. Frosty the Snowma n31 December 2011 at 16:21

    Peter the Love God, complete with tatty battered old leather jacket, the look that no woman can resist.

  2. Oh that Peter is such a dirty dog. I guess he's got that whole 'Fonzy' thing going on trying to look like the bad boy on the block but he's too old for that and just comes off as a randy old sod.
    Cara is no better...douchebag extraordinaire!

    Love Corrie and these blogs are awesome!!

  3. Don't mind Peter when he's being the nice and adoring husband.....but all he comes across as now is a dirty old cheating sleeze bag. Very ugly!!
    Kiwi Kim

  4. I used to think Peter was rather attractive, with those dark, soulful eyes. He was a troubled individual, no doubt, but seemed to be coming through with the unflagging support of Leanne and his family, and with Simon to love and care for.

    Now, with him sneaking around and cheating on Leanne in such a manner,throwing away all that they had and could have had for Carla, who doesn't seem a bit maternal, I can't see what I ever saw in him!
