Wednesday 14 December 2011

Kate Ford on Tracy's latest schemes

Digital Spy has a great two part interview this week with Kate Ford who tells all about her alter ego's scheming in her efforts to keep her claws into Steve McDonald.

We know that Tracy miscarries and then takes an opportunity to blame Becky because she thinks Steve and Becky are finding their way back together.

Tracy blackmails her mother into keeping her secret while she finds herself dug in deep to the point where she can't back out anyway, because the lie would drive Steve away.

Kate says that Tracy put the blame on Becky after fainting  at Becky's flat and falling down the stairs. It was an impulse to blame Becky with opportunity knocking. Tracy was genuinly upset at losing the babies but as Kate says, "what she does would stop anyone from feeling sorry for her". Indeed! Kate defends Tracy's bitchy personality by saying that Tracy "is true to herself and doesn't let herself get walked all over. It's just not necessarily a good thing taken to the degree that Tracy takes it!"

Kate confirms that she's going to be around Coronation Street for some time to come.

Part one of the interview on Digital Spy is here and there's a bit more here.

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  1. Please tell me when Steve finds out, it's the end of him and Tracy. He's obviously never really liked her, let alone loved her.. I'd say falsly accusing your partner's ex of killing your unborn children would be a dealbreaker for most of us..
    But dating someone who dealt with her previous relationship woes with a blunt object would also be a no-no for most of us!
    Rebecca in TO

  2. Anonymous Rebecca) - I SO agree with you but in the blog it says Kate Ford stated she will be around for some time to come, so if not Steve, who would they put her with - it would have to be someone who hasn't heard about her murderous past.
