Wednesday 21 December 2011

. . . and a Happy New Year?

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire? Jack Frost nipping at your nose? As we all prepare to slump into the festive revelries, pour a small sherry and set the sprouts on a low heat, thoughts turn towards what Corrie might be offering us in 2012.

For this blogger, 2011 has been a bit of a rollercoaster year on our fave soap. Yes, the show did seem a little weak post-tram crash but that was always going to be the case. Things have rallied though and to general cheering from all quarters, the horrendous Gray family was finally dispatched. Whilst it was also a joy to see the back of one of my least favourite characters (Liz MacDonald), it was great to see Dennis Tanner return. Likewise, Roy' mum Sylvia was a great addition to the cast.

With 2012 on the horizon, what plotlines would you like to see evolve and, the dreary Tracy Barlow aside, which characters do we want to see less of? My New Year's wishes read like this:

Stop throwing too many plotlines at Stella. Let the character grow or get rid.
  • Wedding of the Year - surely Rita and Dennis will get spliced?
  • Next pregnancy? My money is on Leanne. Would this be enough to entice Peter back?
  • Eileen as Lesley's carer. If this story turns out to be true, it opens up a new way of life for Eileen.
  • Kirsty is exposed as a total bunny boiler. She is weird, unpleasant and a mismatch with Tyrone.
  • Give Sophie Webster a break from the show . . . she's a bore!
  • Bring on Beth! The return of Steve's ex should provide a few laughs this winter.
  • Julie and Brian's continued rise to glory. They are wonderfully mad!
  • Farewell Betty. There won't be a dry eye in the house . . .

Where would you like to see Corrie heading in 2012?



  1. I'd like to see a single woman, Maria, Sally or Gail, make a life for herself without a man. It would be fun to see airhead Maria making a living and perhaps employing Kirk.

    Kirk needs a new love interest.

    Agree about Sophie. Can she volunteer overseas?

  2. Beth Steve's ex?
    I thought when that was aired it appeared that she had only gone out with him once or maybe twice.
    How does that qualify as an ex?

  3. Sophie: you need to go back to school. You were always a top student, and there hasn't been a home-grown academic success on the street since Ken Barlow. Sian leaving should be a wake up call, Sunita could be involved.

    Gail: take advantage of a career program for older adults, and open something of your own or maybe in partnership with Sally as soon as she's free of Frank; you 2 are good together. You're be a permanent babysitter if you don't make a move.

    Emily, Dennis: you need more work or volunteering. Meet people, make stories.

  4. Please bring back Beth's son with her - maybe get involved with Kirk - that would be hilarious.

    Gail: Yes, please give this woman a decent job so she won't be hanging around the Bistro with that demented smile on her face.

    Eileen: Belongs at Streetcars.

    Kirsty: Please get rid - not a fit for Tyrone - besides her hair is way too big.

    Fiz: Less whining this year - a Tyrone/Fiz pairing...?

  5. Tyrone and Fiz? perfect!

  6. Tyrone and Fiz would be perfect together but somehow I don't think the PTB do "perfect". Wild, crazy or controversial is what they think the viewers want, and that's apparently what viewers get, want it or not.

  7. Agreed Humpty. I'd like to see Sally without a man and fulfil the potential hinted at so often through the years. Maybe she and Gail could team up and start their own business.

    I'd like to see Maria, Carla, or Eva meet a hunky Weatherfield County Footballer. It seems to me that there is a lot of potential for drama in adjusting to wealth, others' reactions and fear of infidelity.

    I'd like to see some decent storylines for Owen, Karl and Jason. These three actually seem to have some testosterone in their veins and the show seems to have forgotten about working class men almost since the death of Len Fairclough and certainly since Jack Duckworth died.

    And let's have much less crime and fewer characters with the morals of alleycats. No more love triangles and unlikely adulterers. Yes Ken, Deidre, Mike was an iconic storyline. That was the 80s and it feels like it's been repeated over and over again ad nauseum.

    Oh and get rid of the Faktry. It's laughable.

  8. I hope Kylie and David are in it more!!!! Kylie is my fave charcater!!


    - In a special week of post watershed episodes to coincide with the Britain's Got Talent live shows, undead versions of John Stape and Tony Gordon run riot on the cobbles as they lead a zombie apocalypse. Fortunately the heroic Stella manages to somehow save the day but not before Nick, the Alahans and Tracyluv have been killed. Suddenly Weatherfield is a much better place.

    - Deirdre divorces Ken for failing to 'DO SOMETHING!' in the aforementioned apocalypse.

    - The local council give permission for Weatherfield to be used as a nuclear testing site, due to the fact that no one on the cobbles is affected by seemingly irreparable damage anymore.

    - Kevin kills Frank, and ends up sleeping with Carla for his good work. Weeks after they get married he dies a slow and painful death involving a fire at Underworld or something.

    - And tears are shed up and down the nation when Betty passes away. Phil Collinson has this touching moment coincide with a cheap explosion for good measure.

  10. I know this is beyond hopeful, but maybe, someday, miracle of miracles we might see the end of the dull and overblown dredge that is Tracy Barlow. Just wishful thinking.

  11. I would like one middle aged woman to be pleasant and not an old harridan
    I would like one person on the Street to have aspirations further than working in the corner shop/factory/Rovers.
    I would like one happy family on the street without “secret” affairs and betrayals
    I would like characters to stop SHOUTING
    I would like charaters to stop boozing, every lunchtime and every evening is just not credible nor sends out a good message
    I would like characters to have one night stands and use contraception
    I would like a gay character (I suppose there is Marcus) to be “normal” and not camped up to the point of caricature

  12. I know your post is sarcastic Apple Cobbler but it did make me laugh ha-ha.
