Monday 21 November 2011

Spoiler: Becky pushes pregnant Tracy down the stairs

Ooh, there's a Coronation Street spoiler in today's Star that says Becky and Tracy get into a fight and Becky ends up pushing Tracy down the stairs.

Tracy will then tell Becky she's not pregnant any more, and that the fall has made her lose her babies - but the evil cow will be lying yet again.


  1. There have been some pretty nauseating story lines recently but this one takes the biscuit. Unlike the rape plot, which is an on-going story about Frank's psyche, this is just a shock exit for Becky. Frankly, I think it's a new low for Corrie. Posters might say 'watch it before you comment' but it's the story line I object to. Kate Ford's acting won't win me over! So I shall switch off until the it's finished.

  2. I really don't enjoy watching Tracy do truly evil things, Steve believing her, and Tracy getting away with it. It's awful...
    Rebecca in TO

  3. Too bad Becky hadn't pushed her harder.

  4. Becky would be wise not to physically push Tracy about too much - doesn't she know that when Tracy loses it and decides to cave the back of your head in with a heavy object - she goes at it for keeps - permanently!

  5. Not true. Becky does NOT push her anywhere.
    But that's the Star for you. I wouldn't expect anything less.

  6. Most ridiculous storyline ever!

  7. Tracy is not pushed anywhere. She miscarries days before the incident and lies to Steve about it because Steve and Becky are playing 'hide the weiner' or so she thinks. Dreary knows the truth but will back up Tracy's lies like always and the truth will only come out AFTER Becky leaves and Steve will be played the fool...again.

  8. No she's not pushed, but she does fall down the stairs and Becky is there - the week after the miscarriage happens.

  9. Anonymous - either you suffer from a very bad stutter and don't realise you are repeating yourself,


    you are a victim of Internet ID theft by several other imposters, posting as you!

  10. Why doesn't Tracy take Amy and go upstairs to listen to some tapes? When she comes down again in 5 years time, perhaps she will be someone who can act!
