Thursday 24 November 2011

Sneak preview of tonight's Corrie, Thursday 24 November

Coronation Street, Thursday 24th November @ 8:30pm
Ciaran’s hard work threatens to blow up in his face. Ciaran’s worked all night to get the buffet ready and as he delivers the food he thinks he’s pulled it off. But when the customer claims his work’s not done yet, he needs to be at the venue to serve the food, Ciaran panics. Enlisting Tina’s help he asks Gail to open up the Bistro and races off. It’s touch and go as Ciaran avoids Nick’s calls and even bumps into Audrey at the party but he pulls it off. However when Michelle lets rip at Nick for making Ciaran work all night, just as the customer meets Ciaran to hand over the cash, will Nick smell a rat? 
Rita learns Dennis has disappeared. Rita’s worried as Dennis didn’t come home last night and decides to call Norma Dixon to see if she knows why. Rita’s shocked to hear that Dennis was engaged to Norma but ran off on the day of the wedding. Will Dennis come back and explain himself?
Karl can’t resist another bet. Stella’s not happy with Karl after discovering how much money he threw away in the Bookies but Karl just can’t help himself as he continues to gamble, even betting on Aadi’s ability to sink a put!
Elsewhere Leanne and Sunita decide to organise a nativity play when they hear the school on has been cancelled. Leanne makes an appointment with the doctor to discuss her trouble conceiving.

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