Sunday 20 November 2011

Corrie awarded Ability Media International Drama award for portrayal of Izzy

include the powerful character
of Izzy, portrayed by outstanding
young actor and wheelchair
user, Cherylee Houston, in
Coronation Street is an important
and much needed development
in the representation of disabled
people in popular television
drama. Cherylee’s storyline
is both unpatronising and
dramatically effective and its
impact on how disabled people
are perceived by the general
public, could be considerable.
Coronation Street have been awarded the Ability Media International Drama Award for the portrayal of Izzy Armstrong.

The producers’ decision to include the powerful character of Izzy, portrayed by outstanding young actor and wheelchair user, Cherylee Houston, in Coronation Street is a much needed development in the representation of disabled people in popular television drama.

Cherylee’s storyline is both unpatronising and dramatically effective and its impact on how disabled people are perceived by the general public, could be considerable.

Full information here.


  1. not to sound rude but is the actress who plays Izzy disabled in real life?

    I just wondered thats all

  2. Yes, she is. She has a rare connective tissue disorder, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Type III hypermobility type. Has been using a wheelchair since the age of 23.
