Monday 21 November 2011

Antony Cotton on Corrie vs TOWIE in Celebrity Jungle

Antony Cotton, who plays Sean Tully in Corrie, has been putting The Only Way is Essex 'star' Mark Wright, er, right, about the merits of their respective television series – but it wasn’t long before they started sniping. 

Now then, I've never seen TOWIE so all I know about Mark Wright is what I'm seeing on Celebrity Jungle, and I'm thinking of a sentence that includes "thick as" and "two short planks".

From STV website:
Antony said he knew all about The Only Way Is Essex but later confessed that he hadn’t watched it very much and that he thought Coronation Street was the superior show.

Mark explained: “The difference between TOWIE and soap operas is ours is like a real soap.”

Antony was disparaging about the show saying that TOWIE’s stars only said “yes babes” because they hadn’t had time to prepare anything else.

Sinitta was intrigued. “Is it right there’s no script, it’s just the circumstances?” she asked Mark, who replied that she was correct.

Antony later said: “Coronation Street is the nation’s favourite television programme and it’s a continuing drama. TOWIE is Mark and his crew of young, modern, funky funsters and their real lives.  It’s like chalk and cheese.  Neither is better or... Actually Coronation Street is better.  Much much better."  About TOWIE he said: "I’ve not really seen much of it. It’s a bit weird for me. I want to watch it behind a cushion. You know, when you watched Jaws as a kid. He must be absolutely off his rocker.  I try and keep all that private and it’s just laid out. He’s very brave. Braver than me.”


  1. I'm a big fan of reality TV, including TOWIE, but Mark Wright is an absolute tool. I really wish they'd show Celebrity here in Aussie though cos I'd love to see it

  2. Disagree Meg, I know Mark Wright is a conceited womaniser but he has a charisma, a fantastic bod and I think he is gonna win. I love TOWIE its like a cartoon strip with attractive but rather dim people, compelling telly but then I love Corrie as well. Anthony Cotton is not coming across well though, a self obsessed bad tempered diva. Probably be in the last 3 for entertainment value but seems rather unpopular on all the web boards. Not quite sure what he expected to achieve by going in, he wont be getting another chat show that's for sure!

  3. I agree Blackie Bird, my opinion of Anthony Cotton has completely changed due to his attitude in the jungle!

  4. One hand on his head and what's he doing with the other one? Making sure it's still there??

  5. Yes, this photo is disturbing. However, based on the little I know about Mark the tool, Antony is improving my opinion of himself by standing up to that self righteous git!
