Friday 28 October 2011

Spot the Corrie prop - October 28th 2011

Last week's wedding based puzzle gave some of you a few problems but congratulations to Corriepedia who was the first to correctly identify Elsie and Steve Tanner. I thought the fact that the picture was in colour but the wedding was in black and white might have tricked you all. I was wrong (I guess I'll have to get used to saying that now I'm married).

For this week's prop poser, whereabouts on the Coronation Street set have we seen this picture recently?


  1. Shanny said: This picture is above the sofa where Frank attempted to rape Maria. I saw it recently because we in Canada are behind a few months and we just have made it to Frank buying into the factory. In the Canadian episode, the writers have screwed up as Frank tells Maria over dinner that his mother is dead. In the current UK episodes Frank's mother is very much alive!!!! Did the Corrie writers have a brain fart???????
