Wednesday 21 September 2011

Corrie spin-offs - DVD vs Online

This year, unlike past years, Corrie wont be releasing a DVD special, instead they have decided to go online. With this comes a tie in website and even extra videos.

In my opinion, this is a better way to do Coronation Street spin-off shows, what is happening in the main show is usually reflected in the spin-off an vice-versa, therefore it furthers the main plot, an example of this would be Gary's Army Diaries.

With a DVD spin-off, the storyline usually has light ties with the main storyline of the show, but for the most part it is a totally seperate story, and usually ends up feeling pretty disconnected from the main show. There is also the cost, it it worth spending up to £20 for a spin-off that you probably wont watch again?

Which do you prefer?


  1. I think the shorter web episodes are probably better. They are catchy and brief and enjoyable. While i've liked the dvds for the most part with one exception, they feel so disjointed from the regular episodes, even to the downright ludicrous as in the Knight's Tale.

    Having said that, Because i'm in Canada, i can't watch them anyway unless someone puts them on YouTube!

  2. Like Tvor, I prefer the web episodes. While the spin-off DVDs aren't bad, they often have nothing to do with the soap whatsoever except for the characters and feel disjointed. However I've really enjoyed the mini-episodes on the Corrie website, particularly Gary's Army Diaries.

  3. Web is better for spin-offs and DVD's for older episodes and more of those please - 8 for each year on a Network release isn't enough.

  4. Network have mentioned that they will be offering downloads in the near future. Is it too much to hope that they might start offering a complete run of the early years?
