Friday 19 August 2011

Spot the Corrie prop - August 19th 2011

A mixed bag of entries for last week's prop puzzle. A special mention to an anonymous entrant who seemed convinced that it was in Harry Hewitt's house, what with him being a bus driver and all. Points for persistence but the picture was in colour and the internet was only black and white back in them days so it couldn't have been. Congratulations to Hayli who was the first to spot that the blue campervan hangs out on top of Tyrone's fridge.

And so onto this week's poser. whereabouts on the Coronation Street set would you find this sparkling sink scene?


  1. I'm thinking Barlows. They're quite a brown family.

  2. I'm thinking the Croppers flat.

  3. +1 for Croppers. Mike

  4. Those look like dishes Emily would have but I think she would be more tidy and put the dish-washing soap away...but then have we ever seen inside Emily's kitchen...???

  5. Hmmm i get the feeling it's Gail's house? It looks like it belongs to Gail for some reason!

  6. It's definitly the Cropper's flat - recognise the tiles.

  7. I agree with Scott. The Cropper's flat, it's same tile in Roy's Rolls.


  8. Yea, it looks like the Croppers. But I didn't know they had a window in their kitchen.

  9. I thought it was Sally Webster's kitchen. Not sure if that is a window or the conservatory door off in the distance.
