Tuesday 16 August 2011

Spoiler: Tracy Barlow's return to Coronation Street

This week's fab Inside Soap magazine, which I have right here in front of me to bring you the best Corrie gossip straight from the source (we don't mess around with cutting and pasting and nicking Corrie content online like other sites do!), has a big splash today about Tracy Barlow's return to Coronation Street - pregnant with twins.

We already knew this news and blogged it some time ago, but what we didn't know is that Tracy will be returning to Corrie next month.  She'll have Amy with her and Steve will be revealed that he gets his daughter back, but will be in for the shock of his life when he finds out that Tracy's up the double duff.

This fan reckons that Steve and Tracy should tie the knot and have a Christmas Coronation Street wedding, the likes of which we've never seen before.... just a thought.


  1. No, they shouldn't have a wedding. They are the last two people that should be together.

  2. I didn'r realise that she was actually missing. In fact, I forgot all about her with these other storylines been used. Just shows how I have missed her!

  3. Tracy hasnt been missed and shouldnt come back, lord knows why her contrct was renewed anyway.

  4. don't you mean steve is 'relieved' not 'revealed' - John H (aka mr.pedantic)

  5. Must agree Tvor.. she should really be back in prison!
    Rebecca in TO

  6. Could Tracy not slip under the wheels of the train as she gets off......tiresome character. I'm sure there are those who will scream with indignation....but I'd love to see Steve and Leanne together....(there I've said it!)

  7. I haven't missed Tracy at all. Does anyone know when Kate Ford is leaving? Please,let it be soon.

  8. Tracey forever i'm afraid - she'll sign a new ten-year contract i expect! (hopefully the above is not true) John H
