Thursday 25 August 2011

Rosie Webster to seduce Sally's fella

There's a Coronation Street spoiler in today's Daily Star that says Rosie Webster will do her best to seduce Sally's boyfriend, Jeff.  And there's me wondering where Jeff had got to!  (My sister-in-law went to school with Steven Houghton who plays Jeff and says he's a really nice bloke).

Anyway, the paper says that Sally will walk in on scantily-clad daughter Rosie cosying up to sheepish Jeff, who has his trousers round his ankles. And Rosie does this after she finds out about Sally and Kevin spending the night together.


  1. A. I'm only surprised Rosie hasn't tried this before since she's been working for him ages
    B. Poor Jason
    C. Since we haven't seen Jeff in months, who cares? ;)

  2. Like mother like daughter. At least Rosie's old personality is back..I was getting sick of the 'little girl with no brain' act...or was it an act. Anyway..good stuff ahead!!

  3. I thought they'd split up after Kevin moved back in & she knocked back his proposal.
    And I can confirm, Steve Houghton really is a genuinely nice guy.

  4. A) Yes what has happened to Jeff and who cares?

    B) Didnt they do this with Stape when Sally had her eye on him and he used to give her English Lessons

    C) I thought Rosie disliked Jeff and as you say she has worked with him for ages. I thought she thought higher of her mother

  5. Further evidence that the writers and producers have absolutely no imagination or creativity. What crass nonsense. Let me offer them a script.

    Rosie: Hello, Jeff. I've not seen you for ages.
    Jeff: After Sally declined my proposal, I thought she would change her mind if I ignored her for months.
    Rosie: I don't think my Mum has noticed your absence. Hey why not have a fling with moi? I'm like totally out of your league, dating someone younger and much more attractive and my Dad recently betrayed my Mum too, so it runs in the family!
    Jeff: Great idea. Just pair up any two people that know each other. It saves having to think up something decent.

  6. Anon above...SPOT ON!!!
