Thursday 18 August 2011

Dennis Tanner in a dress?

Earlier in the week, we blogged about whether Marc/Marcia was a good storyline or not. Let's not get into that again here, but a comment by "ChiaGwen" mentioned Audrey and Dennis as a better pairing than Audrey and Marc and that's not such a bad idea. However, my imagination took a wild leap from there and pictured this.

Could Dennis have made a better character for the cross dressing story? Your opinions, please?


  1. He probably would have been much better than Marc at dressing up, and he could have stole Audrey away from jealous Rita. I think that would have been a much better idea because I just don't follow the Audrey and Marc story that well. I know what the story is about, but I just find it a bit boring most of the time although I must admit, it is better to watch Marc or Marcus (with Audrey) than watching Becky.

  2. Fabulous idea. I think we would have warmed to the idea of a transvestite Dennis more because we love him as he's Elsie's son and therefore can Do No Wrong. Good idea tvor, and great picture!

  3. I like Dennis, and I think I'd like Dennis and Audrey, although I also like Dennis and Rita, and hasn't Audrey wooed a man away from her in the past. Dennis as a cross dresser, however, would have been too much as he was barely out of the homeless shelter when the story started, and he still doesn't have two nickels (you know what I mean) to rub together. It would have been too much when the real story, WHICH WE HAVEN'T SEEN, is how Dennis rebuilds his life. He really needs some type of job; maybe Brian can get him in as a part-time assistant at Bessie Street.

  4. He doesn't really need a job though. He's over 65 so he qualifies for his Pension and free bus pass

  5. Dennis Tanner in an episode or Dennis Tanner with a storyline would be a better idea!!

  6. Hmmmmm.....if Dennis qualifies for his Pension and free bus pass, then what was he doing at the homeless shelter...? Had to laugh at the picture of Dennis in the Audrey-like hairdo...he seems to resemble Rita a bit! I want Dennis just like he is with pants and fashion disaster skirts and scarves.....and preferably with Audrey. :0

  7. HA! That's brilliant!
