Sunday 28 August 2011

Corrie weekly awards: August 22 - 26

 Sherrif of Weatherfield Nick award: Gold Star: Fiz is out to right all wrongs in the jailhouse.

Love is Blind award: Gold Star: Does Julie really think Brian is a George Clooney type? Must really be love! Eileen's expression pretty much reflected mine!

Got your number, ladeh award: Gold Star: Kylie accused Gail of being jealous, spiteful and knowing no woman will be good enough for her son. She's right. Then Audrey sacked her. Frankly, Audrey was asking for a bit of Kylie's revenge

Hypocrite award: Gold Star: I thought Roy refused to let Sylvia work in the cafe after the Norris thing but she was there again days later. Where's Anna?

Fashion award: Mary did look nice dressed up even if it was just the Cafe.

Let's play doctor award: Flirty Star: Watching Mary slink all over the doctor was just nauseating.

Baring your problems in public: Audrey, hugely embarassed in the pub by Marc, sits with Gail on a public bench instead of inside Gail's house privately and taking a cab home instead of Marc's car which he'd obviously arrived in.

Lines of the week:
Audrey "People's fears come from ignorance"
Emily about Norris "What if he's formed an alliance?" (i.e. he got lucky? Nah!)
Sylvia "What on earth would Al Qaida want with Mr. Magoo?"
Marcus "You need to be pro-active" Julie "I'm a woman, Marcus, not a yogurt"
Governor to Fiz "Please tell me. I won't let you down" (Do I smell a Phrase of Doom?)
Mary to Emily "Leave your Christianity home and locate your inner cow!"
Kylie "I'm supposed to stay in then, like a nun?" Gail "I can think of professions you're better qualified for..."
Sally about Marc "He always dresses so smartly" (Not always, that wig doesn't get any better with time does it?)
Anna to Ches and Katy "Being grown up doesn't mean you have to shut everyone else out" (which you learn as you grow up, usually the hard way)
Kylie "Tranny on the rampage part 2" (Cow!)
Mary "I can't imagine Norris dressed as a woman. He's far too rugged and masculine" (I'm speechless, just like the rest of them.)

1 comment:

  1. "I'm a woman, Marcus, not a yoghurt" is the line of the year so far. It's this kind of dialogue that made Corrie popular. The line about Emily locating her inner cow was good too. More of this, please.
