Monday 15 August 2011

Corrie newcomer Rebecca Callard talks about her character Ruth

Rebecca Callard, daughter of Beverley Callard who played Liz, was on ITV's This Morning earlier today talking about her character Ruth, who makes her on screen debut tonight as a fellow prisoner of Fiz Stape.

Rebecca said that her character will be "formidable, really interesting, hard and tough," and she is something completely different from the characters in costume dramas that she usually plays.
She added that she wouldn't want to be a character relating to Liz, as "it's nice to be doing something for myself." She insisted that although lots of people have said she only got the part because of her mum because that isn't obviously isn't true.

Rebecca will only be in nine episodes at first and she doesn't know if she can come back. She would like to though. I think Ruth sounds like a strong character person even before seeing her on screen, so I hope she does, but what does everyone else think?


  1. I wish she didn't remind me of Becky! (I hate watching her now).

  2. Nine episodes will be enough for me

  3. The street is overun with characters already!

  4. Didn't get her job because of her mom...does she really believe that? Ha.

  5. Regarding the first comment above: When I say I hate her now, I was referring to Becky.

  6. Frosty the Snowman16 August 2011 at 07:38

    Nine episodes is more than enough for me too, obviously wants to coat tail her mother. We dont need ANOTHER felon character thank you very much.

  7. I wasn't that impressed when I watched her last night with Fiz.

  8. She has a look of a young Caroline Aherne (Denise, from the Royale Family) more that Beverley Callard. Mind you, I cannot stand watching Becky McDonald, so i hope Rebecca Callard leaves either before or at the same time as Becky leaves next year, as Rebecca Callard also reminds me of Becky in a way.

  9. I thought she was good. Seemed very nice and down to earth on This Morning. I loved her in the Grand.

  10. I thought she was good. Seemed very nice and down to earth on This Morning. I loved her in the Grand.

  11. I thought she was class.She's nothing like Becky.Just because both characters were introduced with a prison storyline doesn't mean they are exactly the same.Think you've got to credit the writers with a little more creativity and intelligence than that.You've also got to give her a chance.I looked on imdb and she has done some really really good tele and stuff.And she does theatre according to my mum. She didn't have much to do in that episode but I reckon they'll be easing her in gently to the programme.So what if her mum's Liz McDonald.If you reckon people get jobs on tele just because of who their mum is then I think you're a bit stupid. Everyone auditions.The best people get the jobs. And from a boys point of view I think she's proper fit.All my mates do too. Hope she stays init and proves you all jeolous people wrong.

  12. I'd watch her all day with that cleavage. She's well fit.

  13. Look at her roles on the Rebecca Callard page. Doubt she needed her Mother's help.

  14. I'm a bit late with this comment, but I think the character Ruth has been played very well by this actress.
    She is convincing to me the way in which she varies between being a victim to victimizing others around her.
    It's hard to believe which is the real Ruth's story, although, as the days go by, I think we are beginning to see.
    I have enjoyed the hard, sharp look in the actress's eyes, hard to disguise what the character's thinking, although her words say something else.
    I don't think she resembles Becky's character, I don't think she got the role because of her mother, and I'd like to to follow her on the outside, could be interesting.

  15. I agree, she's absolutely brilliant.
