Wednesday 24 August 2011

Alison King on Carla's rape storyline

Alison King, who plays Coronation Street's Carla Connor, has been talking to TV Times about Carla's upcoming nasty rape storyline with Frank Foster. And she says the storyline has left her "physically and mentally exhausted".

Alison says: "I feel a sense of responsibility to get it right. We all do. Half of it is instinct and the other half is talking to people and doing your research. Things look very bleak for Carla in the aftermath and it's been one of the most mentally challenging storylines I've ever done. I'm absolutely drained. I've had tears in my eyes for weeks and feel physically and mentally exhausted. It's always hard with a big storyline - I was pregnant when we did the Tony Gordon showdown."


  1. Maybe this should NEVER have being filmed then!

  2. A little harsh, maybe you should reserve judgement until you have actually seen the scenes.

  3. This sounds like it could be an interesting one.

  4. Maybe she should try seeing how exhausted she gets serving on the frontline in Afghanistan for a lot less money than she gets for playing let's pretend.

  5. Anonymous, what has that got to do with anything. We all do different jobs in life. Why can't acting our a stressful story line be emotionally difficult for the actor? You're out of line here.

  6. As somebody who ACTS, any scenes like this one take an emotional and mental toll out of you.

    If you FEEL the emotions it comes across in the acting. Forced emotion will come across as fake.

    So, YES, acting is harder than people may realize.

  7. "Maybe she should try seeing how exhausted she gets serving on the frontline in Afghanistan for a lot less money than she gets for playing let's pretend."

    Acting is a profession, please deal with it.
