Tuesday 26 July 2011

Samia Smith signs a new contract

Samia Smith has signed a new contract keeping her on the cobbles for another year.

Samia, who plays hairdresser Maria, is looking forward to seeing what the next twelve months holds for her character.

She said: "I've just signed up for another year, which is exciting. I think there's going to be lots of drama for her."

This new contract will keep her onscreen until late 2012.

Her love life will take a new turn shortly when boyfriend Chris leaves her to reunite with ex-wife, Cheryl, following his brain tumour diagnosis.


  1. Oh for goodness sake - dead wood

  2. wot a boring character theres many others id like to see stay on before her

  3. I like Maria, she's not too smart with men, of course, but she's a nice lass. I think she needs to buy a house. She must have a good nest egg after selling LadRags to Carla and and selling Number 7 to Dev.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ohhh Noooo! The Joy!! I really have no time for Maria. I feel that this character has long since run her course and should have been short listed for the tram crash (waaay before poor Ashley!). She's such a miserable character not helped in my opinion that Samia Smith is a very poor actress, so no matter what they give her she can't carry it off. Jane Danson is acting the pants of all the younger actors on the show and probably why she's having more air time. (I just hope they won't over use her which is what they tend to do). Why do they keep renewing the contracts of the poorer actors? That coupled with bad writing and sensational stories is asking for trouble. I've said before that if they want to tackle big stories then they have to make sure that they have the talent to carry them through.
    There is around 6-8 dead wood characters in Corrie right now and Maria is one of them!

  6. A trivial point but I can't stand the way in which so many women celebs stand in that stupid, stupid pose with own hand on their hip as Samia is doing in this photograph. Looks utterly ridiculous, especially when they all do it on a single catwalk or red carpet!

  7. Oh No, just one year? Why can't these actors who we like not sign up for longer contracts (not counting Becky)?

  8. How can Chris leave lovely giggly Maria for his ex - wife . . . he must need a brain transplant never mind a brain tumour diagnosis! Huh, poor Maria! poor poor Maria!

  9. maggie muggins26 July 2011 at 21:11

    I like Maria too. And how the heck can actors learn how to act better if they don't practice and get more storylines? Seems I recall Leanne wasn't that interesting until she had the scripts that would challenger her? I think Maria is quite a bit younger than Leanne. I say give her time. She's sort of a young Emily Bishop - quiet but strong.

  10. Another Maria fan here. She may not be the most 'exciting' character, but they often turn out to be the horrible ones anyway (think Tracy, Becky etc). She's a nice girl who juggles being a working, single mother with a dodgy love life - all of which makes her a very realistic character. I've rated Samia as an actress ever since she did such a good job with the stillbirth storyline.

  11. i just dont find her interesting

    she had her big moment with the liam/tony gordon storyline and she was still rubbish

  12. Coronation Street is not a training school for poor actors. There are a few walking the cobbles, who should be walking to the JobCentre.

  13. I'm not a fan of Maria, even when she's had some dramatic storylines. You'd think after all she's been through, she could have a short-term personality transplant and go wild - give Tracy and Carla a run for their money! :)

  14. Frosty the Snowman27 July 2011 at 07:27

    Samir Smith showed what a weak actress she was and that she couldnt carry a strong script with the Frank "rape" storyline. She is a pretty girl but has been it long enough in my opinion. Where is there for her to go now? This is what makes me so mad, the powers that be have the chance to do something to change and they just renew the contracts of past their time actors, same with the old bloke that plays Nick Tisley.

  15. Sorry, but I don't think Maria is boring at all. Maybe she could be given something a little more interesting to do so people want to get 'glued' to her storyline, but I do find her enjoyable and better than watching certain other actors. I did see her act once as a school child in Heartbeat, and I thought she was okay on that too although, she didn't have any real acting part to do like on Corrie, but there have been too many good actors removed in the past, and we don't want new actors to take over Corrie, otherwise it won't be the same at all.
