Saturday 30 July 2011

Pic: Katherine Kelly attends Royal Wedding

Katherine Kelly, who plays Coronation Street's Becky McDonald, attended the Royal Wedding today of Zara Phillips, the Queen's grand-daughter, and Mike Tindall, the England rugby captain. 

Katherine is a friend of the royal couple. 

The wedding was held at Edinburgh's Canongate Kirk.


  1. Did she go with her naturally black hair, or did she have it dyed blonde?

  2. I have never been that keen on watching her as Becky except for around the first six months when she was quite interesting to watch. I always found the rough voice and the way she talks quite boring, and I should be used to that, seeing as I am just a common person! Maybe she is completely different when she is not acting. I do hope she didn't cause too much disruption at this wedding she went to Ha Ha!!

  3. maggie muggins31 July 2011 at 02:40

    I think she looks lovely. Another photo here

    Not that I follow celebs or anything. ;-)

  4. I hated Becky, then warmed to her, then really liked her, then loved her character, then was luke-warm after her numerous rantings and breakdowns and now hate her all over again. Why did they ruin this character?

  5. Frosty the Snowman31 July 2011 at 08:52

    I wonder if she necked snakebite at the reception?

  6. she always seems to act the same way although she didn't in the beginning! Maybe its down to the writers that has spoilt her for me!

  7. The sooner she leaves Weatherfield, the better I'll be able to sit and watch Corrie as her acting just grinds on me.

  8. Beautiful dress, ghastly hat. Why do people wear these monstrosities? One could skateboard on that brim!

  9. The worst character that is on Corrie right now who I am fed up of seeing, and she seems to be in every episode. It's as if she either has a hold over the writers, or they are her relation. If she does have to be in it until next year, PLEASE stop emphasizing too much on her character, and instead of Becky taking over the cast and revolving around her all of the time, does the writers think that they can emphasize more on others instead. What has she got to be the highlight more than the other cast?

  10. "Anonymous said...
    Beautiful dress, ghastly hat. Why do people wear these monstrosities? One could skateboard on that brim!"

    At least it keeps the sun off her shoulders as well as her head :-)

  11. Love becky and wish she wasn't leaving. She has had great storylines but she deserves them. I hope the connection to royals (small case r) doesn't mean sh hunts. I'll definately fall out with her if so.
