Wednesday 15 June 2011

Watch: Original Corrie filming footage from 1963

With thanks to Corrie fan John Tomlinson, who emailed us about this smashing bit of old Corrie filming from 1963.  It's film of bygone Salford and starting at 5.10 is colour 8mm cine camera footage of the location filming in Ordsall for Jerry Booth's wedding to Myra Dickinson in 1963 (the actual episode is on the Network 1963 DVD). Glimpsed are Violet Carson (Ena Sharples), Margot Bryant (Minnie Caldwell), William Roache (Ken Barlow), Graham Haberfield and Susan Jameson. Also seen are the large crowds that caused such problems for Granada that they stopped soon filming in Ordsall and eventually built their own street set.


  1. What a great piece of film! Thanks!

  2. I remember those old Granada vans, and some of the other places mentioned in the film.

  3. A great clip - a little bit of social history, thanks!

    My dad was once in Corrie, a passer-by with a bemused look on his face - he'd been to the bank on Chapel Street and the Corrie film crew started filming on the kerb outside whilst he was inside and he didn't realise what was going on, lol!

  4. John Tomlinson16 June 2011 at 18:05

    Any idea when roughly?
