Sunday 12 June 2011

Major Coronation Street summer spoilers

By 'eck, there are major Corrie summer spoilers ahead so read on at your peril. 

Digital Spy reports (via The People) that:
  •  Eileen will fall for a firefighter called Paul, who is yet to be cast. Son Jason will reportedly be embarrassed by the romance, and "flippant" Paul won't get along with everyone .
  • Audrey will finally get together with cross-dressing friend Marc Selby after the pair become tipsy at her 71st birthday party.
  • Meanwhile, Rita will start a relationship with the recently returned Dennis Tanner and the pair plan to marry. Roy's mum Sylvia Goodwin will compete for Dennis's affections.
  • Newcomer Eva  - Michelle Collins's on-screen daughter - flirts with Steve McDonald and Gary Windass before getting involved with Nick.
  • Finally, Dev's daughter Amber will get with Tommy Duckworth after being expelled from university. However, Tommy is using Amber for Dev's money.
All of these sound wonderful to this Corrie fan but what do you reckon to them all?


  1. Did you have to mention Nick??.....I've just had me breakfast!!

  2. Finally some of the regulars getting storylines..should be great viewing.

  3. Frosty the Snowman12 June 2011 at 17:05

    Tommy Duckworth is after Dev's money, I thought he was supposed to be broke - what was I saying about inconsistencies??

    Let's see more of Dennis, he was brought back, let's not waste this character like Claudia Colby was wasted please.

  4. These sound great! It will be nice to avoid for a while the Becky/Steve/Tracy that has just become Karen/Steve/Tracy 2.0. I'm especially excited to see Amber return.

  5. Wonderful to have Amber return...I've always liked her...

  6. I have to completely agree. Although I've enjoyed many of the big, dramatic storylines that have played out over the anniversary year; it's time for Corrie (for now) to return to what it's best at which are everyday relationships and observations. On paper, the plots may not be headline grabbing, but for me they are always the most realistic, and entertaining plots that play out on screen, and really keep this soap rooted.

    At times there's been too much anger and hatred on the screen, so news of several new romances and rivalries developing across all generations of the street is great news, and implies there'll be a break from the dark plots that have dominated too frequently.

  7. Yay Amber! And ... Tommy probably doesn't know Dev is broke!

  8. Yay! Dennis & Rita!!! Lovely to see the 'older' characters getting a romantic storyline.I thought I'd read somewhere that Amber was going to be Sophie's new partner after Sian left? Perhaps Tommy puts her off men for life!

  9. Frosty: Tommy is currently jobless and living rent free with Tyrone. For all his money woes, Dev still has a house, a shop and a kebab shop to his name. That's a step up...

  10. Ayyyyy, I knew Eva was going to go after Nick! I just had a feeling!!
    I wonder if this could cause arguements between her and Leanne? oooo Awkward! That could be good though! But could cause tension between Leanne and Peter again, might be good might be bad! But looking forward to it all the same haa!
    so I'm looking forward to all these different story lines! Looking forward to the summer!!!

  11. These all sound great except Audreys new romance, just cant take to the Marc character. I would like to see a storyline for Emily- its been a while!= Micky

  12. Oh not that insipid Marc!.......excuse me while I retch!!!

  13. Wait a minute.. expelled? Say it ain't so... Amber was always a smart 'un. Would make far more sense if she had to take a year off because her father was broke and couldn't afford her tuition.. due to his sudden and poorly plotted poverty ;)
    Rebecca in TO

  14. Fingers crossed for some really positive storylines out of this bunch - preferably with strong, consistent character-based writing! The potential is there...

  15. Dilly Daydream13 June 2011 at 12:45

    Hah! I just said that in another thread, about Rita & Dennis. Love it!

  16. oh tommy is after devs money

    wot money hes jsut admitted hes skint and only has one shop
