Thursday 16 June 2011

Corrie's Dr Carter gets together with Tina

There's a Coronation Street spoiler in today's Sun that says Tina gets together with Dr Carter. But only until a few skeletons emerge from the medic's cupboard.

The paper also reports that actor Peter Gunn, who plays Brian Packham, is nicknamed Monty by the cast - because he's a dead ringer for golfer Colin Montgomerie.   Can't really see it myself, can you?


  1. I see the personality transplant fairy has been waving her wand again. Tina was deeply in love with Graham and has been even more deeply hurt. She wouldn't go near a relationship for at least 6-9 months and she doesn't strike me as the kind of girl who would go for a one-nighter.

  2. That's too bad. I kind of thought Fiz and Dr. Carter would have got on nicely together. I see they are trying to make Tina into the new Meechelle and throw her at every available man in sight!

  3. I hope Tina doesn't become one of these characters that just moves from man to man but on the plus side we are getting to see more Dr Carter.

  4. Awwww..I wanted Maria to have dibs on dishy Dr. Carter.

  5. Fiz and Dr Carter! That's worse than Molvin!

  6. Maria would be more age-appropriate!

  7. How many has Tina bedded in the Street now? David, Jason, Grahame, Nick (nearly) now Tommy Duckworth and Dr Carter. Miss MacinBIKEsome.

  8. I thought for sure that they'd give Dr. Carter to Maria if Chris leaves (when Cheryl does?) since she always seems to get her pick of the hot men!

    I guess there's a new Maria in town! Besides, I thought Tina was being hooked up with Tommy D? Guess that doesn't last long!

    I'd like to see Fiz with Tyrone personally!

    - Yoork

  9. I agree, Fiz and Tyrone. Nothing against Dr.Carter but I can't see him with Tina, isn't he a bit old for her?

  10. Tina was very vulnerable when she hooked up with Graeme; it makes sense that she would go off the rails a bit after he left. A girl as pretty as that won't go unattached for long!

  11. Frosty the Snowman17 June 2011 at 07:15

    A professional man like Dr Carter wouldnt be interested in a sour faced mouthy not particularly intelligent barmaid like Tina, however young and attractive she is. Also if she is one of his patients it would be illegal anyway. It would be ridiculous and not credible to put them together. Tommy Duckworth is more her mark.

  12. Poor Kirkeh...I think he'll get back with Fiz ... hoping.

  13. Somebody remind the writers not to do a remake of Maxine and the doctor. What is it with Corrie and lecherous doctors and inept cops?
