Thursday 30 June 2011

Corrie to be broadcast on Wednesday nights again

ITV have announced that Coronation Street will be moving back to Wednesday nights from Autumn 2012.

The move means that Corrie will no longer be shown on Thursdays, and will go back to its original 7:30pm on a Wednesday slot. It had this slot for many years.

Wednesday evenings were usually dominated by football coverage, however live football will now be shown on Tuesday nights.

Personally, I'm thriled about this because it means there's less time to wait between episodes, but what does everyone else think?


  1. I'm really glad - it always seems a long wait 'twixt Mon and Thurs.

  2. For me it doesn't really matter as i download anyway. But why would they announce it now if it's not going to happen for over a year away?

  3. Thanks for putting it online Rebecca

  4. Maybe they've announced it so far in advance so they can change their minds if needs be. It's strange though. Ps, my
    names Rachel not Rebecca to avoid anymore confusion!

  5. Praise be. Now just change the theme tune back!- Micky

  6. First, I agree with Micky.

    Second, football club directors and owners and ITV directors and programme planners seem not to give a monkey's about Corrie or, indeed, their own and their employers' reputation, only, selfishly, about their own bulging bank accounts. So what will happen in future if there's a so-called "important" match played on a Wednesday, regardless of anything played on a Tuesday? You can bet your sweet bippy (Hello, Dan and Dick!) that Corrie will be unceremoniously shunted.

    What's the remedy? Who knows?

  7. Fantastic news!

    Next... old music back, please...

  8. YAY. Back to the norm!!

  9. DeeDee Eckerslyke1 July 2011 at 09:23

    That's grand news, I'm almost always out on Thursdays and struggle to watch the recording before Fridays episodes. Let's hope it really happens!

  10. That's great - let's just hope that Phil Collinson won't have run our darling Corrie to the ground by then and it will still be around!

  11. As it should be. Wednesday is Corrie's natural home. Thursday always felt ... wrong, somehow.

  12. Dilly Daydream2 July 2011 at 09:53

    Agree Cobblestone - Corrie back to a Wednesday and all's well with the world :-)

    Yes, Thursday felt wrong and even more so being on a 8.30 and not 7.30.

  13. if football matches are played on Wednesdays then we will lose Corry again to the sports lot who shouyld watch it on Sports channels. I can't see all football matches now being played on a Tuesday and I remember many occassions when we have lost Corry because of sport even on a Thursday or even Friday

  14. Steve's right- champions league matches are on tuesday and wednesday nights and have been for years now. i can't see them changing - so corrie will be shunted to 9.30 or 10pm regularly again - whoopy-do!

  15. This is better because I have often missed it with shopping on a Thursday night...Well, Thursdays and Fridays are the two main shopping days I would say.

  16. Thursday nights were always bad to watch as Thursday is a shopping night. Let's hope they keep to it this time, oh, and by the way... please DO NOT return Corrie on a Sunday. I like it best if it were on twice on a Monday, Wednesday and twice Friday.repeat, please DO NOT return Corrie on a Sunday.

  17. We've all got to revolve around sports. You see enough on the national and local news (would prefer hearing this at the end of these news channels), then you now see it on the weather especially BBC where they keep displaying weather regarding sports. I don't want to hear anything about sports from anywhere and if I did, we should only be ableto view this or get this information from sport channels. I have ofteen been fed up and a little annoyed, when Corrie has been taken from our screens (normally a week beforehand) due to sports. Anyway, i do think that Corrie is best only on Mondays (twice), now talking about Wednesdays instead of Thursdays (much better), and also Fridays (twice) although, I do hope that Corrie is never shown on a Sunday as it always caused problems for me.

  18. At last, I am fed up with the way they put football above everything. Women have rights too you know. Its depressing to have nothing to watch for over 2 hours and it ruins many an evening. Coronation street is the best programme on T.V. so stop messing around with it. If you want to watch football go and see it at a stadium.gosempl
