Tuesday 17 May 2011

Corrie fans vote against Steve and Tracy reunited

In the latest poll here on the Coronation Street Blog, we asked the question: Should Steve and Tracy get together? 

273 fans voted with an overwhelming 83% saying a very definite No! and only 17% saying Yes. 

Will the Corrie writers take any notice of what fans want? Will they 'eck as like, I'd say.


  1. I would move both of them on now. I cannot stand Mummy's boy Steve or Tracy's thinly veiled attempts at being a villian or schemer. I am sure there are a million different opinions though.

    As this is Soap I would have Steve and Tracey gotten rid of by a back from the never dead Charlie. He paid his nurses off to tell everyone he was dead.

    The only one I would keep out of that story is Becky.

  2. Who is part of the 17% who wanted them together?
    Rebecca in TO

  3. Donna - Halifax20 March 2012 at 16:31

    I think they shoud have Becky off for a year or so and then have her return posh, widowed and starting a swank business and blow Stevie boy out of the water. or return with husband, but be posh i.e. Rachelle, and he's opening a great business that is doing something for weatherfield and she gets her own back at him. He loses everything.

  4. Donna - Halifax20 March 2012 at 16:37

    Becky should come back in a couple of years, posh i.e. Raquelle, and cause Steve to loose everything. Could have her husband or be widowed. Also have her involved with someone else who is monied, another character. Steve wants her but she's to above him, just like Vicky.
