Monday 30 May 2011

Chinese take-away for our Graeme?

Ok, I was a bit cross with John last week for dropping Chesney in it, but I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him again this week as I watched him trying so desperately hard to keep his little family together (as well as trying to stop three hostages and a dead body from being discovered)!

images50 150x150 Corrie Corner 29th MayPoor old Fiz. What a great part she’s playing. It’s real dramatic stuff. Completely unbelievable and far-fetched of course, but still gripping! John’s face when Fiz told him they were digging the Factory floor up. ‘Pig sick’ doesn’t even begin to describe it! Do you think John’s got baby Liam hidden away somewhere too, because we never actually see him any more, do we?
What ‘Supernanny’ would have to say about Tracy’s parenting skills I don’t know. Telling a child who’s locked themselves in a room “Nana Blanche’s ghost is in that room Amy. I’d hate to be stuck in there on my own; it’s really scary,” isn’t something I’ve ever come across in a parenting manual!
Another one with dubious parenting stills is Owen. He had a quiet word with Fiz: “Any sign of that little weasel you call a brother yet? He’ll not be making any more lasses pregnant when I’ve finished with him.” I think we get the picture Owen.
images49 150x150 Corrie Corner 29th MaySteve and Tracy took Amy for a lovely treat to … Roy’s, and ordered her a soya milk shake. “A what? She can have semi-skimmed, there’s hardly any milk in that,” Sylvia scoffed dismissively.
“Anybody would think I’d asked her for a unicorn sandwich,” Tracy said to Steve, but this is Roy’s Rolls we’re talking about, and Starbucks it ain’t – especially with Sylvia behind the counter!
I heard two words on Corrie this week that I haven’t heard for a long while: Twerp and Maungy. Twerp’s a great word, isn’t it? Some people will probably never have heard the word Maungy. It’s a Yorkshire expression which means bad-tempered/sulky, and is one I heard constantly spoken as a child when I was up at my Grandma’s in Doncaster for my summer holidays. Ah, happy days!
Graeme and Xin finally had a snog. It’s been tough seeing Graeme moving away fromimages51 150x150 Corrie Corner 29th May Tina and further towards Xin, and it really looked as if he was falling in love with her this week – with him being such a good actor. It’ll be chopsticks at dawn when Tina finds out, and a shame to lose him. Let's hope he comes back one day.
Anyway, my Grin of the Week this week is this:
Eileen: “How was gay Paris? Eiffel Tower; boat trip up the Seine …"
Sally: "Well. We were mostly in the Louvre."
Eileen: "Seriously? I'd want my money back."
And this …
Ken: “How is she?”
Tracy: “Having a sleep.”
Ken: “What did you say to her?”
Tracy: “Erm, have a sleep Amy?”

1 comment:

  1. tracy should be on the social services list just for the way she speaks to her child-its shocking

    and deidre jsut either rolls her eyes or says oh never mind tracyluv

    its really getting to me now
