Wednesday 20 April 2011

Sylvia has one fan already, me!

I'm already loving Sylvia, Roy's mother. (Her last name, according to IMDB, is Goodwin. Remember, Roger, her recently deceased husband, was Roy's step-father)

From the minute she walked behind the counter of the cafe, astutely judging Tyrone as "not a salad type" and ordering him to "Sit!" to when she complained about Hayley's driving to when she shuffled up the stairs of the run down respite home.  We  saw her through a fence from a distance slowly and reluctantly climbing the stairs to the door, you could see her stooping in defeat and discouragement. When she gave Roy the old train set, you saw her look down at the box after he got up from the table and gesture to it as if she was remembering when she gave it to him when he was little. The tiniest gesture conveyed a lot. It's the mark of the great actress that Stephanie Cole is.

I am going to love seeing her become a thorn in Roy and Hayley's side, grumpy behind the cafe counter like Vera used to be, yet with a vulnerable side she's not about to show many people.


  1. I'm in soap heaven with them right now.

    Three fabulous actors I completely adore working together - they all raise their game and every facial twitch and awkward moment is a joy!!!

  2. She's brightened up Corrie for me, so much comedy potential, yet the character has a caring side

  3. Roys other brother20 April 2011 at 07:32

    They are trying too hard to replicate Blanche but there will never ever be another Blanche. I am not sure yet, I think she is quite frightening to look at, those big cheeks and sour expression and there is a fine line between being witty and amusing and downright rude and unpleasant and making people feel small.

  4. I'm not so sure they are trying to replicate Blanche - I see her more in the Ena Sharples mould.

  5. Blanche could be witty and amusing and downright rude and unpleasant and make people feel small, too. I think she's a great addition to the cast and the more we get to feature the older actors, the better balance with the younger ones we get.

  6. Agree, Stephanie Cole is a wonderful actress, as seen in Doc Martin.....great addition to Corrie. I want one of those Woody's!

    P.S. TVOR - what happened to the 'Kabin' page....says page not found???? :-(

  7. OH crap i fixed that last week.. Go directly to the Gazette spoilers here until i can fix it from home tonight

  8. I felt like they were trying to make her the next Blanche, but we'll see.

  9. Thanks TVOR!.....I'm on my way

  10. Another bitch to add to the looonng line of bitches already on the street. NEXT.
