Monday 11 April 2011

"It's not just a takeaway curry I've got in the oven!"

Love's young dream are in for a shock - discovering Katy is pregnant!

This week's great backstage video over on gives us the lowdown on the upcoming storyline.

Katy and Ches are struggling as it is living in Janice's old flat and paying their own way in life. Katy wants to get a part-time job and give up her education, but Chesney's reluctant for her to throw in her studies. The next day, a bout of morning sickness kicks in, and Katy finds out she's expecting. So it's over a takeaway curry she breaks the news to the soon-to-be Dad!

Sam Aston (our Ches) said: "I'd like to think it will all be plain sailing for the happy family, but I wouldn't bet on it because we still have to approach Owen with the news!"

What do we at Coronation Street Blog make of the latest twist for the Street's youngest sweethearts? Comment below!


  1. Can't be that much of a shock for them, she did say she wanted to get pregnant and it was clear they were trying.

  2. It's more of a shock for Chesney.

    Quoted from the video, Sam Aston says: "Katy has got a bit of a surprise in store for him. Chesney doesn't expect it, especially not yet".

  3. How irresponsible!

  4. might be irresponsible but so realistic these days. I have about....oh four or five friends well 'schoolmates' that have babies now and about two more expecting! And I'm only 19.

  5. Yes, Sarah, sadly so.

    I was only 18 when I had my first child (and, I might add, have never regretted having children so young). But we're talking 40 years ago and we matured a lot earlier in those days.

    But it's irresponsible in this day and age when contraception is so freely available. I have a feeling that young pregnancy these days is more a means to an end rather than a desire for children.

  6. At least him and Katy have planned this though

  7. I can't wait :D

  8. Planned it maybe, but thought it through, I seriously doubt it.

    They have begger all money & little to fill their new flat. She's just a kid herself, I mean she'll still at school for goodness sake.

    I find it very sad that in this day & age and at the age she is, the most she can aspire to in life is having a baby. Nothing wrong with that if you've left school and at least had a go at other things before deciding to start a family, but it's not the case here.

  9. Absolutely agreed Kim Colby. It's one of the Street's worst weaknesses that the height of any young person's aspiration is making Carla's coffee.

    Yet another teen pregnancy story. Yawn! Carla getting pregnant and facing work/baby choices would at least be different.

  10. Frosty the Snowman11 April 2011 at 16:41

    I thought Katie had more about her than just becoming another pram face, on benefits, trundling around the shopping centres. A baby for Carla would have been a better story or even Sally as a mid life child.

  11. Ha!....Sally with a mid life child. That'd soon wipe the smirk off her face..... Her and Kev could share babysitters LMAO.

  12. I find this paring unbearable. The two of them have no depth whatsoever and suddenly they're expecting a child? Completely useless characters...

  13. A baby for Sally. I like that idea! Rosie's disdain: "How could you be so careless, Mother?", both Sally and Kevin having a baby when they thought their child rearing was almost over, endless opportunities for Sally to make her baby and Jack rivals...It would make the Cheryl/Leanne kid rivaly story look like a dripping tap compared to Niagra Falls!

  14. I think the producers just wanted a "teenage mother" issue-driven storyline. I don't care for it either.

  15. i find this story cliched and very unoriginal

    i know they talked about it but its quite pathetic seeing as they cant even afford food

    i hope more for chesney-never mind

  16. They shouldn't be surprised because if I remember correctly Chesney said
    "Shall I nip out for a bag of chips" and Katie replied "No, let’s have a babey"
    I swear, it was that stupid!
    They didn't have one stick of furniture, they'd just that minute moved in; because I rolled my eyes and though surely to goodness they both couldn't be that stupid, neither could the writers (again) - they didn't own anything much yet thinking of a cot, pram, clothes, etc etc. Hadn't being around baby Hope taught them that and Katie still in school and he only sells dog collars, they'd had to move because of the dog and a baby... it just get's stupider and stupider the more I type......

  17. Wot a ridiculous storyline, having Ches get Katy preggers.

    Should been me doin that to her.
