Thursday 17 March 2011

Why I hate Corrie cat-fights

News in this week is that Becky McDonald is going to throttle half-sister Kylie in another Corrie cat-fight.  But the problem with Corrie cat-fights, aka two women scrapping in a soap, is that they’re always hyped to be something much more than they turn out to be.
Other soaps sites have spoilers! pictures! videos! of the cat fight and then when it turns up on screen it’s over before it’s begun. It starts with a bit of name-calling. A head turns. A frown appears. Frown turns into scream. Arms, hands, manicured nails reach out and a there’s a bit of hair-pulling before a bloke (and it’s usually a bloke) steps in to pull one woman away from the other. And then it’s over.
Of course, as any true Corrie fan knows, for a proper Coronation Street she-scrap, what you want is two middle-aged women, in their dressing gowns, knocking ten bells out of each other on the cobbles.


  1. Ah but Kylie and Becky are dog rough... this could be a real belter of a fight. I wouldn't want to intervene in it!

    (Though nothing will beat the magnificence of Gail vs Eileen. Nothing).

  2. I agree, Gail and Eileen were the penultimate, the most sublime of cobblywobbles!! Gotta weigh in with a strong second place to the time Sally walloped Natalie Horrocks on the chops, though. That were great!

  3. Gail and Eileen were indeed brilliant. But the upcoming one is just more Becky 'angst'. Yawn.

  4. I much prefer a good old fashioned slanging match a la Elsie Tanner vs Ena Sharples :-)

  5. Agree with Dilly, but that would mean writers having to think of good dialogue (instead of "she slaps her one") in-between thinking up more pc-friendly but boring storylines.

  6. Elsie and Ena! now you're talking. Loved the Gail Eileen one as well - classic

  7. The Gail and Eileen one had the advantage of being brilliant dialoguy slanging match before it became physical. Who can forget Gail shouting, upon seeing Todd and Jason arrive "Oh here comes the rest of the Village People!"

  8. Aw i just watched the video and did you see Kirk leading a very tiny Schmeichel on his lead! What a difference, eh?

  9. Gail vs. Eileen has got to be the best Corrie fight ever! Gold.
