Monday 28 March 2011

Bessie Street's new headmaster, Mr. Packham

Apparently, Bessie Street Primary School has a new head, who goes by the name of Mr. Packham. Cast your minds back to last year, when a High School Headteacher named Brian Packham turned up in the Stapewick saga, looking for Colin Fishwick, before John and Fiz managed to shoo him of.

Could he be the new headmaster of Bessie Street? Sounds like it!


  1. Oh he was a hoot, and ... Julie's wish for a fella might just come true! They did have a few sparks and maybe he's split with his wife?

  2. Possibly, it'd be great if he returned to get back with Julie :D

  3. True! I wish for a man for Julie as well.

    This actor gets around! I just saw him on SKINS and I knew he was from Corrie right off!

    The actor's name is Peter Gunn.

  4. Not sure why a high school head would transfer to a primary, but I really hope it is him, just for the potential brilliance if it is.

    If John goes back to work for Peter in the bookies, there's a connection right there. I can just see it: unconventional headteacher decides to pay a home visit and stumbles across old colleague working in the last place he'd ever have expected!

  5. Frosty the Snowman29 March 2011 at 07:51

    I am glad this character is returnng BUT I hope its not going to revive the bumbling Stapewick saga as we were all more than sick of it last time.

  6. How did you find this one out Chewy?

  7. This character had a lot of humour about him and Lord knows, that's needed.

  8. Lol I just heard the name "Packham" mentioned, and instantly thought of Brian lol

  9. He reminds me of the MP Ed Balls! What a double!!!
