Saturday 26 February 2011

Life's a drag on the Street

No, I'm not talking about the endless parade of downbeat storylines on offer at the moment. I was pondering on the reason for soon-to-be-exposed transvestite Marc hanging around Audrey and Claudia. It's obvious - they both look like a couple of blokes in frocks! Claudia's rich baritone, no doubt carefully honed on a diet of Merlot and Capstan Full Strength, marks her out as a possible transvestite. Audrey's horsey Camilla-alike looks and size fourteen feet are a possible indication of a secret former life. Maybe she's Gail's dad not her Mum? Personally, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Marc doesn't take his inspiration from Jack Duckworth.

Here's hoping Marc doesn't bump into the lovely Rita or else he may gain yet another role model.


  1. Hmmm, sounds like somebody's got a problem with tall older women, says the proud owner of a matched pair of antique size 13 Wides.

  2. That's actually quite rude, there, Ben Karlow.

    I'm aware that trans people are still, sadly, figures of fun to most, but perhaps for a show with a trans person IN it, I might have expected a little more respect.

  3. Is this meant to be funny? Because it just comes across as snobby and offensive. Ben Karlow, you are capable of better pieces than this!

  4. Well, I laughed!

  5. Well apologies if it offended anyone. This is simply a blog and this is just my opinion of what I feel is a lazy and particularly insensitive storyline. It seems as though it has been thrown into the show for no apparent reason. Not everything in the Street is good, enjoyable or even acceptable. I find this kind of storyline very poor indeed. And in NO WAY am I denegrating any members of the trans community!

  6. The story hasnt even aired on screen yet, were going off newspapers spoilers - which have proved to be false/over dramatic most of the time, maybe we should wait and see before making a proper judgement on the storyline.

  7. After all they said Ashley would still be alive and in France :p then they said the burgalry to Janice flat would cause her to leave to the street

    The papers work on half-truths, there will most probably be another side to the plot, also I doubt we will see Marc actually getting attacked

  8. It's good we're getting so many different voices of opinion. This blog post made me laugh too.

  9. Sorry Ben if my comment came across as rude, having re-read the article I did laugh quite a lot and I'm sorry for judging a post after only reading it once.

  10. I read another spoiler somewhere that said it wasn't Marc dressed in women's clothes, it was meant to be his twin sister so there you go. You don't really know what the truth is until it comes out of ITV's "mouth"
