Tuesday 15 February 2011

Kevin Webster - more than just a grease monkey

Michael Le Vell's been on Coronation Street for so long now that he's one of these actors that almost form part of the set itself.
I really like him. It's so good to see him doing something other than driving that wreck of a tow truck, sinking pints and smothering his fish fingers in ketchup. Although these things are all very well as general background, it's nice to see him having something more to do.
He does "hacked off" really well, and "raging" even better - love the way that he appears in the background in scenes with Sally and "Alfie", usually wiping his hands on an oily rag and bending over an N reg. motor looking totally "hacked off" and ALWAYS wearing that blue boiler suit with the zipped up fleece underneath.
Michael Le Vell has been in Corrie as Kevin for an eye-watering twenty eight years give or take. He first appeared in 1981, as paperboy Neil Grimshaw, and started playing Kevin Webster in 1983.
Read more about him here and here. Be warned - there is a spoiler on the Imdb site, from the News of the World.
My own blog is here.


  1. Michael LeVell has been doing a good job as the scowling scheming mechanic. He always seems to not quite win the war though, does he?

  2. He's on the back foot most of the time. Don't know if there's a way back for the two of them - too much water under the bridge maybe!
